Ram Madhav acting as de-facto CM of J&K: Harsh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 2:  With uncertainty looming large over the political landscape of J&K, the BJP was reported to be luring MLAs of various political parties in a bid to capture power once again by hook or crook, NPP chairman and former Minister Harsh Dev said here today.
In a statement issued here Singh said that several media reports and loud public whispers suggested that BJP was approaching legislators of other political parties with lucrative offers so as to muster support for re-formation of the Govt in the State and to occupy the seat of power yet again. And to achieve its nefarious designs, it had managed to keep the Assembly in the State in suspended animation, he added.
Likewise, PDP was also trying to use the occasion to woo Congress and Independents to form another bizarre coalition in the State.   Accusing the Central Govt of keeping the J&K Assembly in suspended animation in blatant defiance of constitutional provisions, norms, precedents and the set protocols, Singh appealed to the President of India to intervene so as to uphold the Constitution and its mandate. He said that Central Govt was trying to rule the State through proxy and had deputed  Ram Madhav for the purpose who was blatantly interfering in the affairs of the State.
Singh alleged that  Ram Madhav not only poked his nose in the internal functioning of the State during BJP-PDP rule but had managed to penetrate into the present administrative set up and was frequently seen holding meetings with the Governor and other bureaucrats. A general impression therefore was being conveyed to the public that Ram Madhav was acting as de- facto Chief Minister of State with MLAs also allowed to exercise their normal functions despite the Assembly having been suspended in the State.
Asserting that Governor rule had no place for political adventurism and incursions, Singh said that undue interference of BJP at this juncture, under the tutelage of Ram Madhav in the governance of State, was totally unwarranted and unconstitutional. He called upon the Governor to instruct the administration to act in the best interests of the State without bowing to the blackmail of BJP which had lost the mandate to interfere in the policy matters of the state.