Ramifications of Nuh violence

Shiban Khaibri
“Violence has ever achieved only destruction, not construction
the kindling of passions and not their pacification , the accumulation
of hate and destruction, not the reconciliation of the contending parties …………….”
After Manipur, it is now Haryana’s Nuh (Meewat) district where violence of an unprecedented nature has taken every patriotic Indian by surprise. If analysed, even cursorily , it will be observed that the modus operandi of this violence has been on the same pattern as we unfortunately saw in Delhi violence in the aftermath of the CAA Shaheen Bagh stir of 2020. Preparations, as reported by the media, had been going on for days together in Nuh for orchestrating the violence and attack on Hindu devotees in connection with Jalabhishek Yatra on auspicious Shravan Somwar falling on July 31. As a result thereof , thousands of Hindu pilgrims were attacked by a strong mob of Muslims, most of the yatris numbering nearly three thousand being forced to take refuge in a temple where missiles and even bullets were rained on them . Police deserves accolades over safely evacuating the scared pilgrims in small groups. Some eyewitnesses alleged ambush which is absolutely shocking. The rioters, taking virtual combat positions atop a hill overseeing the temple, positioning themselves in an ”advantageous ” position to inflict more harm on the victims cannot be possible, by applying simple logic ,unless there were elements well organised behind the violence. Ramming of a bus into the Police station and attacking it by the mob must not be viewed as just a routine type of violence but has to be gauged in respect of cyber crime related evidence and material stored in the Police Station which was aimed at destroying by the mob. It is learnt that the police station contained massive fraud and other criminal documents as a result of massive raids of more than 350 hideouts of cyber criminals spread across dozens of villages in Nuh district . It is absolutely unwarranted as smacking of a perverted hatred that the main opposition party immediately accounted for the violence as the ”handiwork of the BJP for “Rajneeti key rotian saikney kay liye”. The other leader of the same Party tweeted the cause being ..”Naft ka kerosene BJP nay puray desh main failaya hai”. Not only is it cheap politics but is emboldening and rather providing an umbrella of protection to breakers of peace , law and communal harmony. Moreover, how could the party spokesperson / leader immediately, without any investigation, arrive at such a manufactured denouement and conclusion. With such utterance, primarily with intent to spread discontentment against the ruling dispensation of the state, willy – nilly the basic fact of the matter is overlooked that wider ramification of the riots not remaining confined to the backwoods for long , therefore, needed tactful handling and speaking very cautiously keeping in view the sensitivities involved. In fire, smoke , blood and large scale disturbances , prospective votes should not be counted.
However, pending thorough investigations by the Police , the possibility of some disparate groups and elements behind the Nuh violence also cannot be ruled out. Taking the influx of Rohingya and Bangladeshi illegal immigrants quite lightly and self styled secular and democratic politicians extending all help to them just for votes , in fact, is a potential threat to the demography of the areas concerned and to the law and order equations too. Reported some arrests of Rohingyas for anti -Hindu violence in Nuh definitely holds potential ramifications . Who had allowed Rohingyas to settle and live in Nuh ? Why is there a tendency among some politicians and political parties to treat this country as a Sarai or Dhaamshala for whosoever from whichever country desires to come here as immediately all arrangements of shelter, food, medical aid , issuing important documents and papers are made for them. They keep on increasing their population as per their traditions which, unfortunately, by opportunist politicians and self styled human rights protagonists, is not seen as a threat to this country but how many additional votes could be garnered.
How in Nuh could stones be collected in heaps on roof- tops of some houses for purposes of raining on the devotees in procession escape the vigil of the state intelligence agencies is as fundamental a question as it is as to why , by whom, what for and at whose instance were stones , bottles , petrol bombs and other material collected to use in creating the mayhem. The extent of the vehemence and magnitude of violence , devastation caused to cars, two- wheelers and other vehicles could be gauged by the wreckage of the burnt vehicles , piles of debris , burnt shops , broken CCTVs and shards of glass strewn everywhere. Was it any war fought against an aggressor? Who is at war against whom in this country? How rumours keep spreading to stoke fire? Was there any type of provocation from the devotees’ side or on their behalf too should have been taken care of. Entering even a Hospital where victims of the violence were admitted , segregating patients on the basis of religion and attacking the victims proves only the extent of insanity and hysteria of the frenzied mob. It is reported that even a pregnant patient received lathi blows on her hands and feet. The staff including the Doctors of the said Hospital had experienced an unprecedented element of fear and threat as such an incident had never ever visited the Hospital. Alleged looting of dozens of vehicles (two wheelers) from a showroom could not be a spontaneous act but well pre-planned strategy.
Breathing and prospering in India and raising Pakistan Zindabad slogans by the rioters who ostensibly had run amok, smacks of something more than meets the eye or ”strikes ” the ear. Why should “Pakistan Zindabad ” be chanted here in India by anybody whether it is while celebrating some election victory , while watching match winning or while attacking people and destroying properties? Whose heartbeat , in this country , is Pakistan and those who keep on reciting “Be still, my heart” are vividly declaring their hatred for the country – India they live in and enjoy all rights on the earth and they , therefore , naturally dislike all that which is culturally, traditionally and historically Indian. It is also tantamount to sailing in two boats which is fraught with precarious consequences. It cannot be put up with anymore.
Should religious processions and yatras of Hindus continue to be routinely attacked or taken / celebrated under fear and under police protection in India even after two Islamic countries having got carved out from this country in 1947 ?It is quite unfortunate and unbecoming of the monopolistic ”secularists” of this country in not taking a firm stand where national integration and communal peace are feared to be jeopardised to undermine peace and progress of this country, like what happened in Nuh . They , on the contrary, keep on harping on ”sensitive areas” which , therefore, perhaps enjoin upon Hindus to keep away and never think of celebrating their religious festivals not to speak of taking religious processions and undertaking yatras to pass through such so called ”sensitive areas”. Why , painfully speaking, should there be any ”sensitive area” at all and occasionally but lavishly referred to by politicians and even media especially in respect of a particular community ? If all communities , more so , the majority community too starts ”demarcating areas to claim exclusiveness to such areas” how precarious and inexplicable the situation would turn out to be ? Who and on what basis have coined this term ”sensitive” areas lending some legitimacy and credibility to the term ostensibly as a matter of pursuing an appeasement agenda ? Appeasement agenda is absolute stupidity and violation of the norms which has to be abjured at all costs as perhaps far reaching ramifications of such a stupidity is not evaluating the extent of imperilling the national integration.
No one can dispute that due to absolute failure of intelligence and other agencies , the Haryana government was caught unawares hence loss of precious six lives including two home guards not to speak of colossal damage to property. Nobody can exonerate the administrative setup in its lackadaisical approach towards apprehending the trouble and not pre-empting it in time. However, the question is – at the first instance , why should there be any violence at all and why should anybody for whatever reason, take law into one’s hands like in Nuh where even policepersons were not spared . The need of the hour is to cool down and bring absolute normalcy in Nuh (Meewat) and adjoining areas but not leaving even a single rioter unpunished and in such a way that such gory incidents do not recur in future . In run up to 2024 elections, however, there could be elements from within and without backed by disgruntled but distraught politicians to create trouble here and there to discredit the Government for electoral windfalls . Such elements must be put down with a heavy hand. International toolkits too reportedly are at work as many do not want this country to be strong and progress at a fast speed. We all have, therefore, to be vigilant , the onus is necessarily not only on the Government.