Rana accuses PDP, BJP of defeating people’s mandate, trampling sanctity of legislature

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU Mar 30: Provincial President National Conference Devender Singh Rana on Saturday castigated People’s Democratic Party and Bharatya Janata Party for boycotting the Legislature, saying they have not only defeated the mandate of their electorate but also undermined the sanctity of the two Houses.
Addressing a public meeting at Panjgrian here this afternoon, Mr Rana said that the people have sent them to the Legislature with high hopes of highlighting their problems and ensuring basic essentialities to lead a comfortable life. “While the political resolution of various vexed issues pertaining to Jammu and Kashmir needs to be addressed politically, the people of the State have a right to seek resolution of their day to day needs”, he maintained.
The Provincial President said that the people have elected their representatives, after braving numerous odds, to seek redressal to their day to day problems related to drinking water, power, essentials, roads, unemployment etcetera but the self-seeking leaders were abusing this mandate by indulging in rhetoric and creating obstructions in the smooth functioning of the Government.
He exposed the hidden nexus and sinister conspiracy hatched by PDP and BJP in boycotting the Legislative Assembly, thereby relegating the issues of immense public importance to backburner. He also questioned the high moral plank adopted by Mufti Mohammed Sayeed over the functioning of democratic institutions and hit back by asking how many times he had attended the Assembly session during the past four years.
He criticized PDP and BJP for their narrow political agenda, saying this may serve their baleful game plan but the ultimate sufferers and losers would be the people of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. He, however, added that National Conference will not allow the machinations of these frustrated and disruptive politicians to succeed. He cautioned the people to guard against elements whose ultimate destination is to seek power by hook or crook.
Mr Rana lamented over the gimmicks of tricky politicians, saying they have been employing all tactics to hoodwink public opinion.  The very existence of PDP and BJP is based on slur and deception, he said, adding that they have been deceiving the people by wearing different apparels at different times. Like chameleons, they have been changing colours and exploiting the people on religious and regional lines, he said.
“It is irony that those responsible for murdering democracy, politicizing bureaucracy and trampling institutions were talking about the sanctity of institutions”, he said and recalled how the people’s overwhelming mandate was abused in 1984 by engineering defections and imposing rejected politicians over the people. Again in 1990, he said, Mufti Sayeed remained instrumental in imposing Jagmohan as Governor of the State against wishes of the democratically elected Government and the consequences were disastrous.
The Provincial President referred to the revolutionary initiatives taken by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah in seeking political resolutions of Kashmir issue alongside addressing the problems faced by the people. He said a new era of peace has dawned across the State that has given fillip to economic activity and spurt to developmental initiatives. He particularly referred to the gains of peace in the past two years, saying that the beneficiaries of turnaround in the situation have been the common people-students, skilled and unskilled workers, daily wagers, labour force, those involved in trade and commerce,  tourism activity, industry etcetera.
Taking BJP head on, the Provincial President said that the people had elected its members with high hopes to project their problems in the highest democratic institutions of the State and instead they got engaged in intrigue and political deceit by hobnobbing with PDP.
“What can be the depths of stooping low than the State president of BJP misbehaving with a woman leader in the Legislative Assembly in full media gaze”, he said and questioned the wisdom of its members in staging dharna outside the House under a misconceived notion of discrimination with Jammu.
Among others who were present on the occasion included Ex-MLC, Thakur Kashmira Singh, Block President, Rameshwar Dutt, Sarpanch Thoru Ram, Bharat Singh, Joginder Lal, Niab Sarpanch Bashir Ahmad, Panch, Noor Mohammad, Kuldeep Kumar (Sukha), Manzoor Ahmad, Chanchal Singh and others.