Rana advices Modi to correct perception on Article 370

Excelsior Correspondent

Provincial President NC, Devender Singh Rana addressing public gathering at Basholi on Tuesday.

BASHOLI, Dec 3: Advising BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi to correct his perception on Article 370 of the Constitution of India, Provincial President Devender Singh Rana on Tuesday said this provision defines the relationship between Jammu and Kashmir with Indian dominion, as enshrined in the Instrument of Accession.
“Those talking about weakening or abrogating this constitutional provision are, in fact, working towards demolishing the constitutional bridge of relationship”, Mr Rana said while addressing party workers here this evening.
He urged Mr Modi, who he said was pretending to be carrying forward the mission of Atal Behari Vajpayee in Kashmir, to take cue from the former NDA Prime Minister and shun the path of sectarian and destructive politics. “As Minister for External Affairs, Mr Vajpayee had sagaciously responded to a reporter on the question of abrogating Article 370 that there was much difference being in power and being in the opposition”, he said, adding that this was actually the realization that this provision can not be dispensed with for the simple reason of its being integral to Indian Constitution.
Mr Rana said: “By raking up this sensitive issue in run up to the forthcoming elections, Mr Modi is not only attempting to destabilize Kashmir situation but also challenging the wisdom of his own cadre who know that Article 370 is going to stay forever”. He said raking up this issue is only aimed up at inciting passions for narrow political gains and to play with the emotions of people.
The Provincial President expressed surprise over the understanding of Mr Modi over the state subject laws and said he should have better sought good counsel while going public on this issue. “State Subject law is different, which was invoked in 1927 much before the country got its constitution and thereby the Article 370”, he maintained.
Mr Rana decried the attempts being made by BJP to create wall of hatred between different segments of society, saying this is a great dis-service to the nation, which the party cadre ironically think is their exclusive domain. He said the people of Jammu and Kashmir will not allow these machinations to get succeeded as they are the inheritors of glorious legacy of harmony, amity and tolerance. He asked Mr Modi and his cohorts to desist from spreading venom for their petty political interests.
Referring to the divisive politics being played by PDP, Mr Rana said the party was working on double agenda of misleading the people in Kashmir and hobnobbing with communal forces in Jammu. “They should come out of the cocoon, as their truth stands exposed before the people”, he said adding that party was meeting its logical end with senior leaders and workers deserting it each day. “Dismemberment of PDP has begun and its total annihilation will be complete just before 2014 elections, he added.
Speaking on the occasion former legislators Babu Ram Pal and Th Kashmira Singh cautioned people against the nefarious designs of elements inimical to peace, saying they were joining hands for common objective of weakening National Conference to gain access to the power.