Rana decries hidden BJP-PDP agenda to weaken J&K

Excelsior Correspondent

Provincial President National Conference Devender Singh Rana addressing a party rally at Nagrota on Saturday.

Jammu, Mar 9: Provincial President National Conference Jammu Devender Singh Rana on Saturday cautioned people against unholy nexus between Bhartiya Janta Party and People’s Democratic Party, saying their sinister and clandestine alliance had brought Jammu and Kashmir at the brink of disaster in 2008.
“The secret alliance of yester years has now become public with the two parties joining hands to support their proxy in the recently held elections to Legislative Council”, he said while addressing a party rally at Nagrota this afternoon.
Mr Rana described open bonhomie of the opportunistic duo as logical culmination of the motivated design to weaken National Conference which reflected the pluralistic ethos of the three regions of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. “Since PDP owes its inception and existence to BJP, it is functioning as the extended arm of the latter to dilute the special identity of the State and to weaken Article 370 of Constitution. Political duplicity can work for some time but not all the times”, he observed.
Provincial President elaborated in detail how the two parties played communal and regional card in 2008 bringing the people of the two regions eyeball to eyeball situation, threatening the unique unity in diversely of Jammu and Kashmir. “Their political interests are well served by polarising the state and polluting its peaceful environs”, he   said while cautioning that such evil attempts may gain momentum with general elections coming nearer.
He, however, vowed that National Conference will fight the communal and opportunistic elements tooth and nail, denying them the space they are desperately craving for to breed hatred between the peoples. He exuded confidence that politically sagacious people will see through the game and foil their designs as they have done in the past.
Mr Rana exhorted party workers to further gear up their activities at the grass roots level and mobolise the people for giving a befitting response to those who are hell bent to vitiate the atmosphere. He expressed optimism that 2014 will see their dismemberment. “The cracks are already discernible and it is now matter of time alone when the people will seal their fate forever”, he declared amid roaring slogans and clapping by the enthusiastic crowd.
National Conference does not believe in rhetoric or hollow sloganeering, it believes and strives for the overall development, progress, welfare and prosperity of the state, the Provincial President said adding that performance of the Chief Minister Omar Abdullah during the past over four years stands testimony to this mission and commitment. He asked the workers to apprise the people about the development taken place in the three regions and efforts being made for enhancing quality of their life.
Mr Rana said National Conference stands guarantee to dignity, honour and welfare of the people, irrespective of caste, creed and colour.
He dwelt on the initiatives being taken for the development of Nagrota and assured that the government is determined to ensure holistic development of the area in a time bound manner.
Among others who were present on the occasion included Rameshwar Dutt, Dharamveer Singh Jamwal, Som Nath Khauira, Ch. Rehmat Ali, Subash Singh, Angrez Singh, Pritam Singh, Khurshiad Ali, Balwan Singh, Gulail Singh and others.