Randhawa dedicates dental equipment to Gandhi Nagar Hospital

Senior BJP leader and former MLC Ch Vikram Randhawa dedicating dental equipment to Gandhi Nagar Hospital on Friday.
Senior BJP leader and former MLC Ch Vikram Randhawa dedicating dental equipment to Gandhi Nagar Hospital on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 7: Former Member Legislative Council (MLC), Ch. Vikram Randhawa, today dedicated dental equipment to Gandhi Nagar Hospital.
While speaking on the occasion, Randhawa said that there was short of some dental medical equipment in Gandhi Nagar hospital which was brought to his notice during his tenure as MLC. He said that an amount of Rs 5.5 lakh was immediately released out of Constituency Development Fund (CDF) for the purchase of equipment. He expressed his happiness that now the shortage has been fulfilled and wished that the hospital administration would work for the better healthcare of the patients.
He further said that the Central Government led by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has rolled out many health welfare schemes for the downtrodden section of the society and Ayushman Bharat is one among them. He said that the poor people are availing benefits under this scheme. He stressed upon the medical staff to aware masses regarding such beneficial schemes of the Government so that those unaware may get benefit from the same.
Randhawa assured the hospital administration of all possible help in the coming future also. He said that providing better healthcare to its citizens is the top priority of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led NDA.
Medical Superintendent, Gandhi Nagar Hospital, Chander Prakash, expressed his gratitude to the former MLC for his keen interest in improving the healthcare infrastructure of the hospital.
Others present on the occasion include Vinay Gupta (district president), Neeraj Puri (councilor and Mandal president), Rahul Kumar (councilor), Arun Khosla, Vijay Verma, Satvir Singh, Ranchit Khosla, Monu Gupta, Sandeep Gupta and others.