Rao for strengthening Village Defence Committees

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 16: Member of All J&K Movement for Peace and Justice, Kuldeep Kumar Rao urged the State Government for strengthening the Village Defence Committees in order to encourage the nationalist forces who have always stood by the nation in the odd and tough situations and countered the anti-national elements without caring of any threat or fear.
Mr Rao said that the demand of disbanding VDCs which is anti-national approach needs to be rejected by Central as well as State Government.
Questioning Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah as to when the large number of CRPF personnel and J&K Police have miserably failed to protect the lives and properties of the minority community at District Head Quarters Kishtwar, Mr Rao said how can the Government ensure the safety and security of the lives and the property of the minority community living in far flung and rural areas without VDCs.
He appealed the people irrespective of caste, religion and region not to get misled by the political parties as these parties want to divide the people on vote bank policy.
He also appealed the public of J&K State in general and the people of Kishtwar district in particular to remain vigilant and not to fall prey to the machinations of the vested interests irrespective of their religion, caste and creed.