Rao takes pot shot at Omar, accuses him of misleading people

BJP leader P Murlidhar Rao at a press conference at Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

BJP leader P Murlidhar Rao at a press conference at Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, July 13: Making a strong dig at Omar Abdullah led Coalition Government, BJP national general secretary P Murlidhar Rao today accused it of making inflammatory and anti national statements to cover its failures in fulfilling the poll promised made in 2008 Assembly elections.
Talking to the reporters here, today Rao said, Omar Abdullah as well  his NC are as responsible for present lawlessness in J&K as  UPA led by Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi are responsible.
Maintaining that BJP will not look as a silent spectator he said the Party will fight against antinational policies of Omar Abdullah Government tooth and nail. He accused the Chief Minister of making emotive statements to exploit the people and turn their attention from the failures of his Government.
Rao who was flanked by BJP state president Jugal Kishore Sharma party National executive member, chief spokesperson of the state Dr. Jitendra Singh and General Secretary Bali Bhagat alleged that Congress has been a total failure in the country and Party is giving preference to Party interests than national interests.
Making a scathing attack on UPA, he said BJP at national level in coming days will launch a campaign against the alliance which has failed on all fronts including economic front. Mr. Rao said the rupee has devalued but PM Dr Manmohan Singh does not realize the same as his pension comes in dollars.
Expressing concern over internal security scenario in the country he said UPA’s foreign policy has also been a failure while inside the country institutions are made to fight with each other. In this regard he quoted the recent example of IB and CBI.
Making a dig at UPA for not consulting the opposition’s food security bill he said no preparation was made by the Congress on this issue and they wanted to take political advantage of it and make it an election issue.
Criticizing the Congress and terming it as totally undemocratic he said the policies of Congress Party have weakened democracy in the country.
Justifying the BJP’s demand for abrogation of article 370 he said this article is working as a psychological barrier between Jammu and Kashmir and rest of country. He said there are many other laws to protect the local interests.
He also extended full support to separate statehood demand to Telangana saying that interests of Andhra Pradesh will not be harmed with it. He accused the Congress of playing politics over the issue.
While  justifying  Narendra Modi’s yesterday statement, he said that Congress instead of criticizing him should concentrate on weeding out terrorism as lakhs of people have been uprooted in J&K.


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