Re-organisation, abrogation of Art 370, 35 A victory of our struggle: PK

PK leaders at a press conference at Jammu on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
PK leaders at a press conference at Jammu on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 7: Panun Kashmir (PK) which has vociferously been demanding for last three decades abrogation of Article 370 and reorganization of Jammu and Kashmir State feels elated over the decision of Narendra Modi led NDA Government at Centre over abrogation of controversial articles and reorganization of J&K State.
“We are happy that Government of India (GoI) has now taken cognizance of the Panun Kashmir campaign and struggle spread over three decades across country and abroad to realise the dangerous implications of continuing with the State which was conferred with a special status under Article 370 and 35 -A”, PK convener Dr Agnishekhar and its chairman, Dr Ajay Chrungoo told reporters here, today.
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They said PK has all along held the view that through controversial articles a Pakistan was created on the territory of India protected and promoted by the State of India on the name of secularism. “In fact continuing of J&K under Article 370 was continuation of the movement of Pakistan based on two nation theory, Abrogation of controversial articles and reorganization of the State into two Union Territories is a crippling blow to two nation theory.”, they added.
Dr Agnishekhar and Dr Ajay, while complimenting Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister, Amit Shah for their historical and revolutionary decision said PK has been pioneer in introducing the concept of reorganization of the State as well as Centrally administrated Union Territory in relation to Kashmir.
They said sustained campaign on these perspectives finally entered into the policy making apparatus of GoI. All the activists of PK deserve congratulations for sustaining PK mission despite all odds, they added.
They said by abrogation of controversial articles and reorganization of the State into two UTs , PM Narendra Modi and HM, Amit Shah have liberated the people of J&K from the servitude of a Muslim State. Both of them have become liberators of enslaved non Muslims of this border State. “No praise is sufficient enough to acknowledge the importance of the epoch making decisions of abrogation of Article 370, 35-A and reorganization of State.”.
Maintaining that PK has no hesitation in asserting that dismantling of Muslim State is the first decisive step to defeat Jehadi separatism in J&K, they said it will strengthen all measures and actions of the nation to meet the challenges of Jihadi war being waged against India using Kashmir as a spring board.
The legal edifice of Muslim State now stands dismantled, they said, adding however a de facto Muslim State is still living through the culture of half -way separatist governance, a subverted bureaucracy and administrative apparatus a vast indoctrination apparatus which creates religious fascist anti-national cadres to wage war against the nation which too needs to be destroyed without delay.
They further said that in coming days the enemies of the nation will unleash measures to destabilize J&K and Ladakh , hence carving out of centrally administered UT for KPs within Valley has become imperative.
Other P K leaders Behari Lal Koul, P N Raina and S K Sher were also present in press conference.