Re-skilling specially abled CRPF personnel

A total of 189 CRPF personnel lost one or the other limb while being active in operations during the period of last ten years and it is incumbent upon the authorities to ensure that they are provided with new opportunities to remain active and contribute, on account of acquiring various skills, to the force of which they are an integral constituent. In such situation , psycho – behavioural characters need to be reoriented by gainfully harnessing various opportunities for such members of the force. It may be recalled, that the CRPF is a strong force of 3.25 lakh personnel, country’s largest para-military force playing superb role in internal security of the country and in anti Naxal operations.
In this connection, a Memorandum of Understanding was recently signed with a disability support NGO Aditya Mehta Foundation by the CRPF with intent to train its troops who lost their limbs while bravely being engaged in operations. The MoU provides for arrangements for providing training and skills in various cyber operations, artificial intelligence and para- sports. Sky being the limit, there are various opportunities to grab by these personnel and thus prove of immense contribution to the force in various ways. A good and commendable initiative, indeed.