Reaching New Horizons

Rachna Vinod
Venky was closing his shop to go to his neighbour Subba’s house. It was already 5 PM. Reaching Subba’s house would not have taken more than 10 minutes. No one was left untouched by the excitement the media had generated about Chandrayan-3 landing on the moon. Venky was no exception. India was going to be the first country in the world to land on hitherto unexplored south pole of moon. Subba had put a large screen in his big courtyard to watch the historical event. Every Indian was feeling as if she/he was a part of the whole project. Everyone wanted India to win the first rank in this race of conquering space and reaching out to other planets. The live telecast of Chandrayaan-3 was already in progress. A few other neighbours and some of close relatives of Subba had already gathered and made themselves comfortable on the well laid out sitting arrangement provided by Subba. Venky also made himself comfortable on one of the chairs. Subba’s face was glowing with pride and joy. Rightfully so because his son had got a job in ISRO although at a very junior level but still he was a part of the organisation which had made every Indian to be proud of being Indian. The eyes of everyone were glued to the big screen. Venky lived in the quiet alleys of a bustling Indian town, far away from the national space agency’s control center. He was a humble individual with a profound passion for science. Little did he know that the Chandrayaan-3 mission would fill his world with dreams in ways he could never have imagined.
The air was charged with excitement as Chandrayaan-3, India’s third lunar exploration mission, prepared for its launch. While the scientific community closely followed the developments, Venky was not far behind in showing immense interest. His daily routine involved reading about the mission’s progress, discussing it with his customers and eagerly watching live coverage on television. As the spacecraft soared beyond Earth’s atmosphere, Venky found himself holding his breath along with millions of others. Chandrayaan-3’s success was a matter of national pride, but it was more than that. It symbolized the indomitable human spirit to explore the unknown, to push boundaries, and to seek answers to the questions that had lingered for centuries. Though the mission wasn’t without its challenges, the lander touched down successfully on the lunar surface. Venky, like many others, felt an unexpected surge of relief and accomplishment. In that moment, he realized how deeply he was invested in this journey.
The live telecast was showing almost every one involved in the project present in the ISRO room. Subba’s eyes were searching for his son in the various teams being acknowledged. He was nowhere to be found. ‘Perhaps he is at the junior most level, an unimportant entity in the whole prestigious project,’ he whispered as if talking to himself. Venky who was close by, could hear his whisper. He held Subba’s hand assuring him not to lose heart, it might take it a little longer but he would certainly find his son in the winning team. Assured and once again enthusiastically, he focussed on the large tv screen. Subba, a father filled with both anxiety and hope, gazed intently at the screen. Among the multitude of faces, his eyes searched fervently for a familiar countenance-his son, who had embarked on a journey within the corridors of this prestigious institution. With a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, Subba’s heart raced, longing to catch a glimpse of his son amidst the accomplished crowd. Yet, as the camera continued its sweep across the room, his son remained elusive, absent from the forefront. Subba’s thoughts whispered with a hint of concern, wondering if his son had found his place among the more junior members of the team, perhaps holding a role that might not be perceived as central to the monumental project. The room’s collective energy was palpable, and Subba’s internal dialogue mirrored the emotions that surged within him.
Standing nearby, Venky, a source of reassurance, noticed Subba’s inner turmoil. He placed once again, a comforting hand on Subba’s shoulder, the gesture transmitting both empathy and encouragement. With a gentle squeeze, Venky conveyed that Subba need not lose heart, that his son’s contribution might be beyond immediate sight, yet nonetheless valuable and vital to the project’s success. His words held the promise of patience and perseverance. Subba embraced the comforting words, welcoming a fresh surge of optimism to engulf him. His focus returned to the expansive television screen; the images reflected there now infused with a renewed vigour. The collective atmosphere in the room was infectious, rekindling his enthusiasm as he once again fixated his gaze on the unfolding event. The anticipation pulsed in his heart, mirrored by the dynamic scenes playing out on the screen. As the live telecast continued to capture the essence of the occasion, Subba and Venky stood side by side, united in their shared anticipation. The room was a canvas of dedication, expertise, and camaraderie, a tapestry woven by the diverse talents of countless individuals, each thread contributing to the grand design. In that moment, the journey of Subba’s son was but one of many stories that intersected in the intricate mosaic of this remarkable endeavour. His curiosity was sated when he received a WhatsApp message from his son, which included a photograph of him standing with a team that Subba had missed on the screen. Feeling happy in Subba’s happiness, Venky came back to his home.
Venky’s unassuming shop underwent a remarkable transformation, evolving into a bustling hub of curiosity and wonder. In the midst of repairing vehicles, his customers, previously preoccupied with mundane tasks, found their attention shifting upward, drawn to the mysteries of the night sky. No longer content with just fixing their modes of transport, they now held aspirations of traversing the celestial expanse, imagining themselves journeying among the stars while seated in the sleek confines of the latest vehicle models. Conversations that once revolved solely around engine troubles and road conditions now took a more adventurous turn. Animated discussions echoed within the shop’s walls, punctuated by inquiries like, “Could humans establish a life on the Moon?” or “What revelations await us in the vastness of space?” These topics became not just conversation starters, but gateways to a newfound sense of cosmic curiosity. As he listened to his customers debate the possibilities of space colonization and the mysteries that awaited beyond our planet, he couldn’t help but get swept up in their enthusiasm.
In a world that was once confined to the routine of his repair shop, Venky now found himself yearning for a broader understanding of the universe. The mission had not only widened his horizons but had also redefined the scope of his aspirations. As he gazed up at the night sky, he no longer merely saw twinkling stars, but gateways to a realm of endless possibilities. Just like the spacecraft that had inspired this transformation, Venky was propelled on a trajectory of personal growth and intellectual exploration, forever linked to the cosmic journey that ignited his dreams.