Reaffirmation of National Integrity

The verdict by a judicial tribunal of the Delhi High Court to uphold the ban on six factions of separatist organisations in Jammu and Kashmir-two from the Muslim Conference Jammu and Kashmir (MCJK) and four from the Jammu and Kashmir People’s League (JKPL)-represents a crucial step in India’s ongoing fight against terrorism and secessionist movements. These factions have long been accused of promoting, aiding, and abetting terrorism with the ultimate goal of destabilising India’s territorial integrity by supporting the separation of Jammu and Kashmir. The tribunal’s endorsement of the Centre’s decision under the UAPA comes at a time when the region is striving to recover from years of unrest and external influence. For too long, these factions have operated under the guise of political dissent while actively fomenting violence, stone-pelting, and organising boycotts of the democratic process in Jammu and Kashmir. By raising funds from foreign entities, including proxy organisations based in Pakistan, these groups have consistently undermined peace in the region. Their actions have incited hatred and disrupted constitutional order, posing a direct threat to Indian sovereignty.
The bans are not just legal judgements; they serve as a message that terrorism and violent secessionist efforts will not be tolerated under any circumstance. The involvement of these factions in stone-pelting on security forces, alongside their calls to boycott elections, represents a blatant rejection of democratic principles. By targeting electoral participation, these groups have sought to undercut the very foundation of democracy that guarantees the people of Jammu and Kashmir a voice in their governance. Such actions illustrate the insidious nature of these organisations, which aim not only to disturb peace but also to manipulate public sentiment against the nation’s constitutional authority. The decision to declare these factions unlawful under the UAPA is a necessary step. It reflects a firm commitment to upholding the constitutional and democratic fabric of the nation. The Government must ensure continued vigilance and proactive measures to curb secessionist efforts.