Record Digital OPD registrations

Record Digital OPD registrations

Four hospitals in Jammu and Kashmir, integrated with the Scan & Share Queue Management System through the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM), have surged into the top 20 list of the country’s best-performing healthcare institutions based on token generation. The Gandhi Nagar Hospital has played a pioneering role, setting an example that others have followed and even surpassed. It’s truly heart warming to witness the Sub District Hospital Uri embrace the digital approach of the Scan and Share Queue Management System to provide seamless services to patients. As more patients get digitally registered over time, this system will evolve into a reliable repository of information that will serve as a valuable resource for medical students, offering a readily accessible reference library for their research endeavours.
The current success of the digital initiative signifies the opportune moment to elevate it to the next level. Uploading all patient data can undoubtedly offer immense value to the Health and Medical Education Department. With the entirety of OPD records accessible at the click of a mouse, real-time monitoring of prevalent diseases becomes feasible. The depth of insights gained from analysing nationwide medical data can lead to well-informed policies that cater to the specific healthcare needs of various regions and demographics. The commendable efforts of all staff members involved are deserving of high appreciation. As time progresses, the authorities can gradually phase out the manual counters that consume a significant amount of time. Technology has undeniably transformed human lifestyles across various domains, and the realm of patient care is no exception.