Recruitment for outfits will be treated as act of terror: DGP

Recruitment for outfits will be treated as act of terror: DGP
Recruitment for outfits will be treated as act of terror: DGP

‘Facilitators of drug trade will be dealt with sternly’

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Nov 18: Recruiting people for terrorist organizations will be treated as an act of terror, Jammu and Kashmir DGP R R Swain said today.
He said law enforcement agencies are cracking down on those involved in recruitment for terrorist groups as well as narcotic dealers and smugglers.
“Each act of recruitment will be treated as an act of terror. People who incite or facilitate a youngster to join terrorist ranks will be equally liable, if not more. There will be sustained action against people who motivate and recruit,” Swain told reporters after the DGP’s public grievance redressal meeting at the police headquarters here.
“Writers who hide behind the freedom of expression” to incite youths will also be proceeded against, he said and added that the aim of security agencies is that there should be no recruitment to terrorist ranks at all.
If anyone has joined terrorist ranks, police try to know about it through their parents, friends and teachers, and also masjid committees, the DGP said.
“It is not the job of police alone. If there is a community effort, lives can be saved. Our effort will be to cut off the handlers sitting on the other side…They use money and incite youngsters to join the (terrorist) ranks. There is a need for a planned and sustained battle against it, and we will do it,” Swain said.
Expressing concern over narcotics smuggling taking place from across the Line of Control, the DGP said the might of law enforcement agencies will be combined to target the “wholesale” dealers. “We will go after the big fish,” he said.
“We will assimilate the power of all agencies such as ED, IT, NIA, SIA and district police against these wholesale dealers. We don’t want to create a situation where prosperity of these people lures others. We want to finish this model. They will lose their house and their lands. We are committed to this,” Swain said.
The DGP said anyone found facilitating the drug trade will be dealt with sternly.
“Earlier it was charas, which was available locally. It was not as harmful as heroin and brown sugar that is coming from across (the border). It is a poison which is sold and the money earned from it is used to kill people. If anyone is found involved in it, be it from the police establishment or any section of society, we will act very strictly,” he said.
On the meeting with the public, the DGP said it is a new effort towards addressing the grievances of people.
“I was not sure how many people will come and what all issues they will bring. It is an experiment for me also. It has a message value, it’s a connection with the people. There will be substantive results as I will be aware of what kind of things affect the police administration,” he said.
“There are some issues which can be resolved instantly while some need further examination. We will try to refine it with a follow-up system where the complainant can track their grievances. We will tell the complainants about what we could do or could not do about their issues,” Swain added.
Swain said he may not have solutions to all problems but issues related to the police administration will be resolved.
The DGP listened to each grievance very patiently and informed them that due action wherever necessary or whatever redressal possible will be ensured.
The DGP said that this is an opportunity, and “we gave opened a window for the people who have genuine grievances, they can approach PHQ between the given time schedule for their redressal at Srinagar and Jammu.”
He said that grievances must be genuine and all the available redressal platforms must have been used before bringing issues into the notice of the DGP adding that those who are bringing up a grievance based on false information are liable for action against them as well.He impressed upon the people on this occasion to put forward the grievances which are within the ambits of set laws, rules and procedures. He exhorted that such people oriented programmes are for solving genuine problems of the people.
Pertinent to mention that, on learning that common citizens are facing difficulties while approaching PHQ to meet the DGP without prior appointment as grievance redressal seekers and many have raised concern over lack of clarity about the procedure and date & time, the DGP J&K decided that on every 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month at PHQ Jammu while 1st & 3rd Saturday of every month at PHQ Srinagar would be reserved for meeting people who have grievances pertaining to Police administration. The timing for grievance redressal programmes would be from 1400 hrs to 1600 hrs (two hours) on all Saturdays.