Red Fort, four other Delhi heritage sites get ‘monument mitras’

NEW DELHI: ‘Monument mitras’ (friends of heritage sites) have been appointed for five heritage sites in Delhi, including the Red Fort, under the Government’s ambitious ‘Adopt a Heritage’ scheme.

According to information obtained from the ‘Adopt a Heritage’ cell of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, the national capital’s Red Fort and Andhra Pradesh’s Gandikota Fort have been included in the scheme.

Lucknow-based RTI activist Aishwarya Parashar had sought information from the Prime Minister’s Office about the progress made on the ‘Adopt a Heritage’ scheme.

On April 9, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Government of India and the Dalmia Bharat Group appointing it as the ‘monument mitra’ of the Red Fort, information obtained under the RTI said.

On June 11, the Government signed an MoU with the Caper Travel Company, appointing the firm as the ‘monument mitra’ for Azim Khan’s Tomb located on the Mehrauli-Gurgaon road, the Jamali Kamali heritage in Mehrauli Archaeological Park, Rajon Ki Baoli and Moth Ki Masjid, it added.

Under the MoU, the Dalmia Group will work to improve the amenities at the Red Fort in a time-bound manner. These will include drinking water kiosks, maintaining cleanliness, a surveillance system, comfortable chairs for tourists and improved facilities for the differently-abled, the response to the RTI application said. (AGENCIES)