Redressal of Grievances

This is in reference to DSEJ’s circular No29-DSEJ of2015 -dt.28-08-2015 .The Director School Education Jammu has taken a right step to address the grievances of the staff of School Education Department. It will certainly help a   lot in improving the functioning of the department. Honest and hard working staff at every level can do better by dedicating themselves to the cause of the students and parents.
The groupism in schools, partiality by employers and harassment at different levels can be checked to some extent. The employees of the department can feel free to discharge the duties in better terms with gain in confidence to prove themselves in the best of their capacity. It can improve the work culture and honesty in delivering the goods by the employees. It can save the wastage of recourses and time which otherwise is wasted by some employees in pleasing their bosses and performing their personal chores. Every employee can work for the betterment of his institution without favoring any particular group. The aggrieved employee can apprise higher ups about different problems and loop holes in the institutions.
The short comings in the institutions can be corrected in better way which is necessary for uplifting the standers of employees, teachers, students and institutions.
Yours etc….
Satish Bhat
Hss Bohri