Reform the system

Modern society at present is beset with conflicts of all types and a common man feels suffocated in it. Common man feels aloof and insecure in this pathological social order.
Every time some gruesome incident takes place, people raise their voice. It has become a fashion with the elite to respond to such situations by manipulating the situation. Elite who are experienced in tackling such matters assure the common people by amending the  existing laws. They come with the new legislation and calm down the innocent masses.
However, the fact of the matter is that the elite lobby brings new provisions which is only to put old wine in new bottles. They do not show any earnest desire to overhaul the system. Mere amending the laws cannot solve the purpose. There has to be accountability at all levels particularly at operational and implementational level.
Civil society has to come forward and a common platform has to be launched to raise voice for bringing reform at judicial, executive and even legislative level. Autonomous commissions have to be set up at all levels of federal system so that checks and balances are ensured to bring transparency and accountability in the system.
Yours etc….
Ramesh K Raina  (Wanpoh)