Reforms in education

“Education is the most powerful tool to change the world”
Yes, education indeed is the most powerful tool to change the world. A person without education is no better than an animal. It nurtures us with the ability to think and to act accordingly. It can be considered as the divine gift which actually allows us to consider ourselves as ‘humans’.
But with the changing time, the meaning and structure of the education has also changed. And it is very pathetic to know that in the present age of time, the education is the name of just scoring higher grades, no matters by hook or crook. Very little emphasis is given to highlight the practical knowledge of the subject. As a result neither the teachers nor students show any zeal to teach or to learn by heart which ultimately leads to the depleting level of education. But we can’t blame the teachers or the students but the system which is the driving force of the society. In our society a student who scores 90+ 0r 95+ is brilliant and the one who scores 40+ or 50+ is good for nothing. No one is ready to consider the practical understanding of the subject but the grades only. Unfortunately in our society your grades will decide the position and the rank. And that is why the present student wishes to score higher grades in one way or the other.
One very fresh example is the pathetic leakage of 12th standard physics paper which was earlier scheduled to be on 28th of Feb. but was postponed by the board due its pathetic leakage….. the craze to get higher grades among students has reached to such a level that they don’t even hesitate to go for wrong means. But this is just one such case which is subsequently traced out…(but still there are very strong rumors of the same). But unfortunately there is lot which is still to be traced out.
But why craze for grades when hardly actually spot you to the top…. No matter how higher your grades are if you lack in understanding and applying your subject of concern you will find yourself in the midst of nowhere. Everyone wants a reputed job in their pocket and as far as your placement is concerned, here your grades become secondary but the understanding and knowledge becomes the prime things. In school and colleges students usually study the subjects only but not their applications. We study the subject but when it comes to apply it we hardly know what to do. Even the education system of our country has not seen any  reforms since a very long time; our education system favors learning rather than applying application.
“Manzil mil hi jayegi, bhtakte bhtakte hi shi…
Gumnaam to woh ha, jo ghro’n se nikle hi nhi…!”
Yours etc….
Rajat Gupta, GDC Billawar Billawar (Bhaddu)