Refresher course on CIS for court officials organised

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 17: On the instructions of   Chief Justice of State High Court Justice M. M Kumar and  Justice Mohammad Yaqoob Mir, Chairperson, e-Court committee,  Justice Muzaffar Hussain Attar and Justice Tashi Rabstan, Members, e-Committee, two days  refresher course  on “Case Information System (CIS) Pune version”  was organized for Court officials of   District Jammu, Srinagar, Kathua, Udhampur, Samba, Ganderbal, Pulwama and Anantnag at State Judicial Academy Jammu & Srinagar.
The Court officials of these districts were imparted training on use of Case Information System developed by e-Committee, Supreme Court of India. The training was conducted by District System Administrators of the State.
Khalil Choudhary, Central Project Co-ordinator (e-Courts), High Court harmonized these “Training Programs” for the Court officials of the State. He expressed that the key purpose of the Training Program is digitization of routine Judicial and Administrative tasks on computer.
According to Mr. Choudhary, the Court officials of these Districts were trained on installation of Case Information System (CIS) software on UBUNTU operating System 12.4 Version  they were also trained on Commands of UBUNTU Operating System, Filling of caveats, Civil Cases, Criminal Cases, filling of the backlog cases, daily Court proceedings and how the backup of data can be taken on daily basis.
Mr. Choudhary further expressed that Case information System (CIS) Pune Version is a software  developed by e-Committee Supreme Court of  India and  will assist Judicial administration in tracking the progress of an individual case and provides common man the facility to get current status of the individual’s case through citizen interface provided in the CIS application. Such programs will enhance the confidence of Court Officials in making use of Information Communication Technology tools and will help them in making Speedy Justice delivery System.