Registration on arrival at Jammu, Srinagar if quota available

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Apr 19: Shri Amarnath Shrine Board (SASB) said today that pilgrims for Shri Amarnath ji shrine would be registered at Jammu and Srinagar, the twin capital cities of the State, only if there was quota left for the particular dates the pilgrims wanted to register themselves on either of the two routes—Baltal and Pahalgam.
“The pilgrims can be registered at Jammu and Srinagar with completion of all formalities including submission of Medical Certificate from a designated doctor with the condition that registration was available for the date the yatris wanted to register,’’ Chief Executive Officer (CEO), SASB, Navin Choudhary told the Excelsior.
However, he said, no pilgrim would be registered beyond Jammu and Srinagar including the base camps of Baltal and Nunwan (Pahalgam) or Panchtarni as the yatris would be unable to arrange the prescribed medical certificate from authorized doctor there.
For the benefit of the pilgrims, the Shrine Board had opened registration for the pilgrims as early as March 18 through 422 bank branch across the country. For 55 days pilgrimage (June 28 to August 21), about 8.8 lakh yatris would be registered. 7500 pilgrims would be registered per day per route (Baltal and Panchtarni) while about 1000 yatris would be registered per day for pilgrimage by air from both the routes.
The SASB authorities have decided to install iron gates at both entry gates at Baltal and Panchtarni to check registration of the pilgrims and ensure that no unregistered yatris embarked on the pilgrimage.
Over 100 pilgrims each had died during 2011 and 2012 pilgrimage, mainly due to lack of adequate medicare facilities. However, this year, the Medical Aid Centres (MACs) would be available after every two kilometers distance on the twin tracks.
Sources said if registration quota was available for the days the pilgrims wanted to register themselves upon their direct arrival at Jammu or Srinagar, they could register themselves after completing all formalities including the submission of health certificates.
However, if the banks had exhausted the quota, the SASB wouldn’t allow additional registration of yatris for any day.
“Only a maximum of 7500 pilgrims each will be registered for both shorter Baltal and traditional Pahalgam routes, which means that a total of 15,000 yatris would be in a position to perform yatra every day from both the routes. About 1000 yatris undertaking pilgrimage by air from both the route will be in addition,’’ sources said.
Sources added that the advance teams of Gujjars, which trek through Baltal Himalayas to reach to the cave to bring latest picture and information of snowfall along the route were likely to be dispatched to the cave shrine next month.
High level reviews of security and other preparations for the arrangements of Amarnath yatra would also start next month, sources said, adding that all arrangements would be in place well ahead of the yatra.
While previously only Jammu and Kashmir Bank had been registering Shri Amarnath pilgrims, the SASB this year had also incorporated YES Bank, a private sector bank in the list of pilgrims’ registration. Last year, some Cooperative Bank had also registered the yatris.
This year, the SASB has added State Bank of India (SBI), Punjab National Bank (PNB) and HDFC Bank, who have also been authorized to register the pilgrims for Shri Amarnath yatra.
All five banks including two in private sectors (YES Bank and HDFC) have designated branches countrywide with fixed quota for registration of the pilgrims, which started on March 18 and would continue till the quota was exhausted.
The SASB has already decided to discontinue the process of on-line registration as the pilgrims had grossly misused the facility last year.
The Shrine Board has increased number of registration counters across the country from last year’s 276 to 422 this year, which would help the pilgrims to register themselves at their nearest destinations. Almost all major cities have the registration counters.