Relief holders stage demonstration


Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 29: To reiterate their demand regarding increasing monthly cash assistance in their favour, the relief holders staged a demonstration in front of Relief  Organization here today.
The protestors with pla-cards and banners in their hands were demanding immediate hike in monthly cash relief as was promised by the Government. They said that the meager monthly assistance given by Government to them is totally insufficient for their survival in view of sky rocketing prices of essential commodities.
The protestors warned that in case the Government continues its dilly dallying tactics on enhancement of monthly cash doles, the relief holders will be forced to intensify the agitation and even launch fast unto death.
They accused the Union Government of the present plight of the displaced people saying that it has failed to come upto the expectations of the community which has been forced to flee from the Valley by militants and separatists on the behest of Pakistan due to its week-kneed policies.
As the community was forced to take refuge outside the Valley leaving their all movable and immovable property behind, the successive Governments also failed to settle the issue and ensure the honorable and dignified rehabilitation of the community who is leading an exiled life for last 23 years now, said Ravinder Raina, representative of relief holders.
The relief holders raising slogans against State and Central governments said that they have been mute spectators to their plight and except the verbal assurances no concrete steps were taken to settle the issue.
They demanded that the Government should not club the rehabilitation package with enhancement of cash assistance as the two are separate entities. The rehabilitation is a long term measure and is subject to restoration of total normalcy in the Valley while the enhancement of relief is immediate succor to the displaced people totally dependent on cash doles from Government for their survival.
The demonstration among others was addressed by Apex Committee members including H N Jatu, Hira Lal Chata, Hira Lal Pandita, Roshan Lal Raina, M K Yogi, P L Raina, M L Munshi and Prem Singh Raina, Aryan Ramesh, Ravinder Raina, Veer Ji Belove, Pinky Bhat representatives of relief holders Ravinder Raina  and president TRT Purkhoo and Buta Nagar.
Meanwhile the Apex Committee members threatened to resign enmass in case the demand was not settled.
Meanwhile the relief holders of Jagti township held a meeting today under the leadership of Ajay Bhat in which it was decided that in case the Government failed to settle the demand of relief holders by August 31 they will go for 24 hour hunger strike and it will be converted into indefinite hunger strike in case the demand was not settled by then.
Mr Bhat urged the Government to concede the demand immediately and not to test the patience of the relief holders further.