Religious diversity, co-existence hallmark of the country: Modi


NEW DELHI:  Prime Minister Narendra Modi today underlined religious tolerance and diversity as the real strength and hallmark of the country where people professing different faiths live and co-exist in peace.

“India is home to all faiths, and it has welcomed both atheists and believers. We have learnt to live together. All religions give the message of peace unity and social harmony,” the Prime Minister said in his monthly Man Ki Baat radio programme.

Earlier, he began his today’s edition of the Man Ki Baat with greetings to the people around the world, especially Muslims, for the month of Ramzaan that began today.

 He said this “holy month was marked by prayers, spirituality and charity.”

This led him to the issue of harmonising oneself with nature, as he talked about the theme of this year’s World Environment Day falling June 5.  Pointing that the UN had chosen ‘Connecting people to Nature’ as the theme, he called upon people to protect and conserve environment. He suggested they should plant trees with the monsoon coming in soon. He spoke about Gandhiji’s words that “we should not only care for this world, but also for the world which we would not see.” (AGENCIES)