Remove encroachments from forest land: Lal Singh to officers

Minister for Forest Ch. Lal Singh interacting with officers at Jammu on Thursday.
Minister for Forest Ch. Lal Singh interacting with officers at Jammu on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 27: Reiterating zero tolerance for encroachments on forest land, Minister for Forests, Ecology and Environment, Choudhary Lal Singh today directed the officers of the department to strictly enforce forest laws for conserving green cover of the State.
This was stated by the Minister at a meeting attended by Chief Conservator Forests Roshan Jaggi, Conservators, Divisional Forest Officers and representatives of Gujjars and Bakerwals Associations.
While seeking cooperation of all the stakeholders for carrying out anti encroachment drive successfully across the State, Choudhary Lal Singh said that Forest Department is formulating a holistic policy for survival of forest dwellers as their life is totally dependent on forests which will ultimately help in conserving the green wealth of the State.
He also added that the department is encouraging the forest dwelling communities to fill an application, in Urdu as well as in Hindi, for allotment of temporary shelters in forest land which will be given to them after proper verification.
He further said that the main objective of the department is to remove encroachment from forest land by clearly demarcating the forests besides removal of weeds from forest which were mainly in the form of Lantana Camara (Panch Phulli).
Choudhary Lal Singh stressed upon the officers to perform their duties with utmost zeal and dedication as their services holds the great responsibility of protecting and preserving State’s incredible flora and fauna. The Minister further stated that the department is contemplating to form new grazing committees which will comprise of genuine stake holders so that various problems related to Gujjar and Bakerwal communities get solved at the earliest.
The Minister while directing the DFOs to make proper survey of number of permanent structures raised on forest land asked the officers of the department to ensure regular check on forest assets to curb theft of timber and encroachments. He also directed for strictly adhering to the proper dress code of the rangers and guards of the department during duty hours.