Rendezvous with Mars

Dr Vinay Thusoo
Going by  the alarm bell rung by Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking that humanity needs to become a multi-planetary species within the next century in order to avoid extinction. By that time, we should have spread out into space and to other stars, so a disaster on Earth would not mean the end of the human race.
Why this topic invoked my interest is  because I was wondering  if humans habitat the mars and religion, caste, colour and creed are still going to be the deciding factors, then I wish human race should cease to exist.
Suppose if in case India choose to nuke Pakistan because if Pakistan didn’t stop the policy of ‘thousand cuts’ and all out war broke out and if  super powers choose to take sides and eventually it will lead to World war III.
That means there is every possibility that humanity may be wiped out or whatever advancements has been made in technology would come back to square one and the resources available will be exhausted for any mission to mars. Before that unfortunate eventuality occurs, the wise people may advice atleast send a mission to mars who can explore the possibilities of settling colonies for the civilization.
I propose following persons should be given priority to land on mars and in that case I believe Mangliks should be given first preference because they might be having  a  lot of questions to pose to ‘Mars Devta’,  First and foremost they will ask why marriage was difficult to occur for mangliks. To back up their argument they can put forth the argument of Amitabh Bachan who, it is said got his daughter in law, Aishwarya Rai married to peepal tree to ward away any negative vibes on Abhishek Bachan. May be they may find some sort of Manglik tree on Mars, just by touch, they become universally acceptable bride/bridgroom.
Merit based list will be prepared (No quota allowed).
Babas/Tantriks.bakirs need to not to apply, they will be sent to planet sun for further necessary action.
Secularists and people with Communal mindset will not be allowed to go to Mars until they resolve on prime time, who one  is better among them.
Politicians are any way used to operate through remote, let them carry on earth and take necessary steps from Earth, however there all decisions won’t cross ozone layer.
Doctors should be best sent to Venus to give their service in difficult terrain of venus to appreciate the value of Mars when they enter it.
PM Modi is going to be unstoppable because there is hardly any country left on Earth where he hasn’t visited so he may throw his weight around to go to Mars. If he goes there then we definitely require  Arvind Kejriwal and Rahul Gandhi to add some masala otherwise life is going to be boring. This addition is purely done because no one will be allowed to crack jokes on humans based on their colour, religion and appearances.
The Mars  planet will be  governed by the  conscience of the inhabitants, therefore making the planet free from  any policing  and a constitution.
Marriage  institution will be run by Indians because of their exceptional track record of exploding the earth beyond its capacity
But there must be someone,  who shall be head of the Mars planet for that an  appropriate examinations will be conducted which must be much tougher than the  IAS.
Definition of hell and heaven will not be left to some celestial powers rather humans will device their own formula of identifying heaven and hell on some close by planets. Every human being will be inserted chip at the time of birth so that the data will be retrieved to choose where to send the human being and eventually another planet will be designated for animals, so that they also develop their own set of rules and at no point of time anyone will trespass each other’s planet and if any virus of greed of human who wants to trespass to the other planet, because old habits die hard, their chip will be rebooted.
(The author is regular columnist  and Public Relations Officer, University of                 Jammu)