Renovate “Papnashni” Bowli of Sudhmahadev

Sudhmahadev is known for the pilgrimage to Lord Shiva throughout Northern India. It is visited by thousands of devotees for a holy bath in sacred Devika rivulet to seek blessings of Lord Shiva. “Papnashni” Bowli finds mention in ancient Hindu religious books. It is believed that single bath in this Bowli will remove all the worldly sins from the human body and it is also said that pilgrims have to take a bath first in this bowli before prayers in Shri Shool Panishwar Shiv Ji Maharaj Temple Sudhmahadev. The bowli of Papnashni has also been included in Five Major Tirathas in the cluster of “Panjtirthi”-Parikarma in Sudhmahadev “Dev-Bhoomi” from centuries. So this bowli enjoys top religious status in the hearts and minds of people of Duggar land.
In the ancient times, the Bowli was constructed by Chenani Kings using long stone slabs. This bowli was later renovated by Manu Shah Mahajan of Sudhmahadev and new shape was given to the bowli on a very strong footing.
During all these years the bowli has been put to very rough use without any repair and renovation. There has been tampering to this Heritage site by unskilled hands here and there by Govt. Departments. It has been seen harsh treatment of rough weather conditions, earthquakes and human interference through the ages. Beautiful self speaking stone idols have been damaged and cracks developed in the walls of this Bowli. The washing activity and constant use of soap and detergents has damaged the smoothness of stone slabs near water outlet. Papnashni Bowli deserved to be declared as protected monument. In the meantime Tourism Department of J&K is requested to undertake urgent repair and renovation of this most sacred water body which is also visited by thousands of tourists each year. It is requested that only skilled workers be engaged on this work in consultation with Department of Archeology. All the temporary structures and encroachments near Bowli be removed with iron hand to restore original greatness of this oldest Bowli of erstwhile Chenani State.
Rajinder Anthal
Anthal House Chenani Distt. Udhampur

Insanitary conditions in Roop Nagar
We want to draw the attention of the Jammu Municipal authorities towards the insanitary conditions in our locality. As the drains in the colony are not cleaned properly, these get often choked, with the result, the filthy water of the households flows onto the road surface causing great insanitary conditions. Besides, the water becomes a fertile breeding ground for mosquitoes and other harmful insects. As the summer is approaching, the situation may worsen further in case remedial measures are not taken promptly. The officials are also requested to deploy adequate number of sweepers to keep the Colony clean. It has been observed that the sweepers deployed often play traunt here. This aspect too needs to be looked into.
We hope action will be taken in the matter.
Ajay Mengi
Sector-2, JDA Club Road
Upper Roop Nagar, Jammu

Repair Bohri-Anand Nagar road
This is to draw the attention of the concerned authorities that the Bohri-Anand Nagar road has become traffic unworthy as it has developed numerous pot-holes and puddles. These puddles have become a great cause of inconvenience to motorists and pedestrians. Despite being a busy road no attention is paid to it by the concerned quarters to maintain it on regular basis. The problem with this road is that whenever it is repaired, work is done shoddily and sub-standard material is used during that time. It requires only a single shower of rain to damage it badly.
As a result, one witnesses frequent traffic jams on this road which last for long durations consuming time and petrol of the motorists. Even pedestrians feel unsafe to walk on this road as drivers often drive rashly in a fit of anger.
It is once again requested to the concerned authorities to get the road repaired at the earliest.
Deepak Kumar
Anand Nagar Bohri

Repair lanes and drains in Katra
I want to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the dilapidated condition of the lanes and drains of town, particularly the lane behind the house of Lt. Neel Kanth in Ward No. 8 which is a great threat to the nearby houses. Timely action is requested.
Vinod Kesar
Dentist Katra
A plea to the DG J&K Youth Services & Sports
It is to bring in your notice that the time-bound (Situ Promotion) cases of the employees for the grant of sanction are lying in your office for a long time. As most of the employees are at the verge of retirement, they have to submit their pension cases with enhanced pay, otherwise they will have to again send pension cases for revised pension. Therefore you are requested to look into the matter and grant sanction without any further delay.
H N Sharma,