MUMBAI: Actor Renuka Shahane has come out in support of Malayalam movie “S Durga”, which was pulled out by Information and Broadcasting ministry from the 48th edition of the film festival in Goa.
The ministry had dropped Sanal Kumar Sasidharan’s “S Durga” and Ravi Jadhav’s “Nude” from the Panorama section, overruling the IFFI jury’s final decision.
“They have changed the name to S Durga bowing to those sentiments. Now what is the problem? There is nothing offencive in that film. Why has it become a trend to get hurt presumptuously! Have you seen the film?” Renuka tweeted.
Following the controversy, filmmaker Sujoy Ghosh has resigned as head of the jury of IFFI’s Indian Panorama section
Several jury members also expressed their displeasure over the ministry’s move to drop the films from the list they submitted.
“S Durga”, which was earlier titled “Sexy Durga”, is a road movie that follows the horrifying experience of two hitchhikers, a man and a woman, at the hands of two men. It won the Hivos Tiger Award in the International Film Festival Rotterdam 2017. (AGENCIES)