Republic Day parade with a difference!

Col R D Singh ( retd)
As a soldier, I am looking forward to this year’s Republic Day parade, with a renewed vigour.  Barack Obama will be the first American President to be the Chief Guest, witnessing the magnificent parade from the VIP enclosure at the Rajpath.  He brings with him hope and cheer for the country for further growth and economic development. He also signifies India’s emerging strong position in South Asia, with particular reference to China and Pakistan
It will be the first time that Barack Obama ( for that matter, any US President) will be spending more than 20 minutes ( in this case two hours and twenty minutes) at one place. Here, the most powerful dignitary of the world, will witness the RD parade,  which show cases  the strength, unity, and rich heritage of our nation. It displays our national will, unity in diversity, and a patriotic fervor. The armed forces showcase their splendour, while we remember those who sacrificed their life for us. As we see the smart marching contingents, our chest swells with pride. The nation is dressed up bright, in a secular thread, during the various functions held at the national level and in each state.
This year, there is yet another first in this parade – an all  women army officers contingent, leading the march. How nice to see  the whole nation is spruced up as parades and functions are held from at least district upwards. It is like the nation going through an annual inspection. Second, a number  of other functions like Beating The Retreat, At Home, cultural functions etc are held subsequent to the R – Day parade. Even the US President is hosting dinner for the select invitees on 26 January at Delhi. This is good for the morale and motivation of the nation. The parade is watched across the world. The national spirit and ethos, developmental projects to uplift the poor, advancements in science and technology, strides in international sports, our election system, free and dynamic media, and above all – the largest ticking democracy of the world – it is all there in front of the world to see. Why should we not be proud of it.
Some quarters may raise their voice against the parade, as a waste of money and time. It is not so.  It needs to be reiterated that cancelling, scraping, dismantling, destroying are the easiest thing one can do. But organising, building, constructing, and holding an event require hard work and unity of effort. There is no  gain without pain. So, let the show go on,
Today is not the day to just sit indoors and take a holiday, because it is cold outside. Watching the R D parade on TV and sleeping off is not enough. Lets go out and be part of the celebrations where ever we are, join in singing  the national anthem, salute the national flag, and pay a homage to our martyrs. If possible, share some food and clothing with the poor who are out there on the footpaths. They are also our fellow country men. Lets rise above the narrow confines of caste and religion, or political affiliations, and hug one another as Indians. For today, lets not talk negative politics or scams, but achievements. Lets not crib and criticize, but spread some cheer around. Can you imagine, when over 1250 million people are rejoicing together, how happy a nation we will be! And a happy and united nation can do wonders in peace and progress.  Happy Republic Day!