Resentment against ex MLA Kalakote

Please refer to the news, “Public resentment against Kohli rises in Kalakote” published in your paper on January 6,2019.
The MLAs are elected by the people as their representatives with the main objective to get their basic needs fulfilled and grievances redressed by the government. In this context, the MLAs are public servants and are bound to listen to the voice of people. They are subordinate to the public and not superordinate. But it is quite reverse in our society. Before election, the concerned candidates act to be the most obedients to the electorate, but after election, they turn quite hostile and act like dictators and masters of public. Consequently, the poor people have to suffer.
As reported in news, the people of the Kalakote constituency are suffering badly for want of drinking water, power supply and safe roads. The people have a fundamental right to get these basic facilities as well as to raise their voice against injustice. The issues raised by the people are just and genuine which indicates the failure of the concerned MLA to do justice his basic duty. The condition of Siot Kalakote road is very miserable. Except big trucks and trollas and military vehicles no other vehicles operate on this road. There are ditches full of mud and water on this road. The light vehicles can’t take any risk to run. The plight of other roads falling in this constituency is even worse.
The people of Kalakote had elected Mr Kohli with many hopes and dreams and the same have been dashed to the ground. Whatsoever be the fact, the concerned MLA is directly and personally responsible for scenario. Similar is the condition of Bagnoti Nala Chak link roads which call for the immediate repair but being village link roads these are less important than the Siot Kalakote road. The other leaders of Congress and National Conference are equally responsible for closing their eyes and mouths over the most burning problems of the people. The concerned people should elect their MLA with due care and dilligence so that they have not to repent upon their choice again.
Besides the State president of BJP is also required to take action against the defaulters and also to travel from Siot Mode to Kalakote road to visualise the condition of the concerned road.
O P Sharma
Bagnoti Nowshera