Reservation in Promotions

I wish to draw the attention of Government towards the judgement of the J&K High Court DB sit  striking  down Rule No 6, 9, 10 and 34 in reservation rules 2005 providing reservation in promotions is highly commendable and befitting within the contours of justice under the Article 16 of constitution. The justice has certainly been delivered in unambiguous terms and the reservation rules framed by Government have been struck down abnitio based upon the lack of any quantifiable data to support such politically motivated quotas. This has time and again been reiterated by Apex Court that reservation in promotions is totally illegal but certainly law makers have been amending the constitution to preserve their divise politics and fragmentation of society. In majority of cases supreme court has held that reservation can only be granted at time of appointment and can not be used as a steal march over merit within the in service officers. In wake of this land mark judgement it is litmus test for Government to implement the verdict of Hon’ble Court and create an environment of equality among its large employee base. The overall morale of employees working in Government sector will recieve huge impetus from this decision and will renew their zeal to work with utmost dedication.
Yours etc….
Talab Tillo