Resolve genuine problems of migrants: PDP

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 13: Jammu and Kashmir People’s Democratic Party (PDP) Migrant Wing, president, Sunil Bhat has expressed grave concern over the delaying tactics adopted by Government in resolving the genuine problems being faced by the Kashmiri migrants living in exile for last more than 33 years. He criticised the Government for stopping the monthly supply of flour to the migrants which is a grave injustice with these poor and hapless people.
In a press statement issued today, Sunil Bhat, president of Migrant Wing said that the issue of releasing monthly flour supply to the migrants be restored forthwith like it was earlier in order to provide solace to poor families. Bhat also raised the other issues of the community like creation and advertisement of more new five thousand new posts in Government Jobs for educated unemployment youth of community, enhancement of relief assistance from meagre amount of Rs. 13000/ to Rs 20000/ per month a long pending and genuine demand of Kashmiri migrants, formation of concrete rehabilitation policy in Valley with time bound duration, internal repair and renovation of quarters at Jagti, TRT Nagrota, Buta Nagar and Purkhoo, subsidized loan schemes for over aged unemployed youth of the community, regular supply of pure drinking water in all migrant camps etc.
He appealed Lt. Governor to address the genuine problems of migrants on priority basis. Bhat also appealed Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner, Migrant to come forward and discharge the assigned role in facilitating and resolving the problems of the Kashmiri migrants on war footing basis.