Resolve Kashmir in accordance with UN Charter, bilateral agreements: Chinese envoy

UNITED NATIONS, Aug 17:China’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Zhang Jim on Friday stressed that the issue of Jammu and Kashmir should be settled peacefully in compliance with the UN Charter, relevant Security Council resolutions and existing agreements between India and Pakistan.
Zhang, who was speaking after the UN Security Council consultations on Jammu and Kashmir, said that China is deeply concerned about the current situation in the region and called upon India and Pakistan to refrain from any unilateral actions that may fuel tensions.
On Wednesday, China requested the Security Council to convene for a closed meeting to address the questions of human rights and security in Jammu and Kashmir.
Only one of the five permanent members, China, openly favoured Pakistan in the UNSC meet. The remaining four – Britain, France, Russia and the United States – want India and Pakistan to address the Kashmir dispute in a bilateral set-up.
Meanwhile US President Donald Trump has also spoken to Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan over telephone and urged him to defuse tensions with its South Asian neighbour.