Resolve Kashmir issue

This has reference to to the article ” Mr P M, spare a moment for J and K” by B L Saraf.
Honestly speaking the present Central Government approach in dealing with the vexed situation in Kashmir has failed to yield desired result.
As a fact of matter army is doing commendable job in destroying the Pak backed terrorists network in the state. But our mainstream political parties and separatist elements are bent upon to keep the pot boiling for their personal existence. Interlocutors have also failed to built bridges between the stakeholders and the Government. Back channel process is not being sincerely entertained by the Government throwing their observations and recommendations into dustbins . As is known to all that Mr Modi by virtue of his efficiency, clear vision and hard work has raised the stature and image of India to its new heights at the international level. The Prime Minister despite stiff opposition has successfully, boldly and bravely implemented demonitization and GST to do away with the problem of black money, fake currency and parallel economy in the best interest of the country.
Now time demands that PM does something extraordinary to check in the deteriorating situation in Kashmir.
Avatar Krishan Razdan
Lalay Da Bagh