Resolve strike issue

This has reference to the news item ‘No surgery, dialysis in SSH” DE Sept 17.
The indefinite strike by workers of Mechanical Division of Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Jammu should not be allowed to prolong further as it would cripple health delivery system in the city. Besides, it would put a further strain on patients who will have to shell a hefty amount for treatment in private clinics.
Though it would not entail much on financially sound people, it would certainly add to woes of poor people.
The  Government should make every effort to resolve the issues raised by the workers on strike. Their genuine grievance should be resolved without procedural hiccups.
The workers too should cooperate with the hospital authorities for smooth running of health centres as it pertains to welfare of people. Confrontationist attitude will lead both the parties to nowhere. It will only add to woes of patients. Hope stalemate is resolved at the earliest.
Yours etc…
Nikhil Mahajan