Respect your individuality

Suruchi Wadhera
India is famous for traditions & values. It is only our ancestors have inculcated these values in us ,hence each individual has his own identity &here, each & every individual respects his & other’s individuality. But to some extent we are selfish in many aspects. Before we discuss all those selfishnesses I’d like to brief
An individual, no doubt , always tries to achieve frills of luxuries , all the amenities,grandeur, popularity at any cost.He always aims at starry nights irrespective the path he follows. It is primarily said that ” A HEALTHY MIND LIVES IN A HEALTHY BODY”.If we are bodily fit,we have mental peace too. The only thing to be seen as how can we nourish our body so as to nourish our mind simultaneously towards a constructive approach . We should try to prevent it from being poisoned always.
An individual thinks that he is the most superior personality & the most happiest too . The happiest person , in my opinion, is not the one with big bank balance but the one who can ‘ introspect’ his own self,the one who is self determined the one who can accept his ownself with all his vices & virtues , who never loses his ‘ individuality’ at any cost & without any compromise he ‘respects his own identity and the identities of the others too .To illustrate, I’d like to narrate a true story………………………..
Once there lived a “snake”in a village. He was so powerful that nobody dares to to pass that way , if anybody passes that way he tries to bite bitterly. At last the villagers left that way & they even stopped working in their fields that way. With the passage of time the villagers had to sit without work & no work measns no food.They had to find the other way out, but they were unable to find.
Once there was a sage(sadhu) ,passing through the woods. The snake came out with a hissing sound & tried to hinder the way of that sage. On seeing the snake the sage spoke very calmly ” why do you trouble the innocent villagers. They have never harmed you? “The snake replied in its majesty,”I want to make them scared & make them realise how dangerous I ‘m’. On listening , the sage could easily smell out the poisonous note, his callous selfishness. The sage further said,” No doubt, you live in this village but those innocent people of the village have the right to move ‘N’ work here. The sage gave him some moral teachings & made the snake understand the importance of divnity.For an instance, the snake did’nt listen to the sage but after thinking hard he promised the sage that he’d never trouble anybody. On hearing the sage moved away. Thereafter the snake never harmed anybody. Many years passed . The people of the village started with their field-work & lived happily but each time they pass that way they used to hit the snake with a stone or things like that without any reason At last the snake became so miserable that he was no more a snake .
Few years later the same sage visited the village & on the way he was astonished to see the miserable plight of the snake .He was really sad for the snake He asked the snake about his this condition & the sanke narrated the whole tale in a jiffy. The sage asked the snake that he(the sage) told him(snake) never to harm anybody without any reason but not to dishonour /disrespect his(snake’s) individuality. The sage looked after the snake for days together & the snake became “snake” once again with same majesty & vigour& spread its fear around once again.But he never harmed anybody thereafter.
To narrate the story, I wanted to convey that we should never harm , anybody un-necessarily.Moral teachings & learnings are an essential part of life.One should try to understand the guiding activities in order to become aware about one’s identity to make the world a living ” HEAVEN”.