Restoration of peace

Refer news item ‘Restoration of peace after 22 years big achievement’ DE Aug 16.
Peace is prevailing in the State if huge rush of tourists and Amarnath pilgrims is any indication in this direction. But permanent peace is still elusive. When gun culture ceases to exist completely in the State, and people move freely as they used to 22 years ago, peace will be said to returned to the State.
The semblance of peace that prevails at the present too has been achieved after making sacrifices by Army jawans, police personnel, para-military forces, political leaders and the those who suffered terribly during last 22 years.
The peace that has returned now should not be taken for granted. Maintaining and strengthening it is more difficult than achieving it.
The onus for maintaining this peaceful environment lies with the political class who have entrusted this task  by people by electing them to corridors of power.
The political class should work for the development of this State by executing all works of public interest. Unemployment is growing at an alarming rate in the State. This is a major concern for people. Employment avenues have to be generated in the State where these young boys and girls can be absorbed.
Besides, there should be quick redressal of public grievance. Usually, common man finds it quite difficult to get his grievances redressed at the hands of the responsible authorities. The class attitude of  the helsmen often becomes a cause of public anger and frustration.
To avoid such situations and let peace  prevail in every corner of the country and the State, the Government should be quick responsive.
Yours etc….
Madan Mohan