Restore internet facility in valley hospitals

With no significant review of communication clampdown in Kashmir valley, the hospitals there are experiencing hardships as works of different nature in administrative offices etc are stuck up due to snapping of internet services. Cases in hundreds under the flagship scheme of Ayushman Bharat Health Scheme, tendering work and the like are getting piled up and are pending. Restoring some communication system in hospitals at least for a few hours only during the working days could be mooted out and ways found to implement. Requests for ‘lease line’, from such hospitals, it is learnt, have not found favour with the administration.
Once the system is made fully dependent upon modern technology like the one under reference, withdrawing the same even for a very limited period meant total disruption of work as even if at one end manually it was done, at the other, because of various factors it would serve no purpose like response from other departments and agencies outside the State. Since Financial Commissioner, Health and Medical Education is reported to have understood the gravity of the matter, let us expect that at least hospitals shall be exempted from suspension of internet facilities from now onwards.