Resurgence of militancy in Rajouri


After a lull of many years with no militancy related incident, the recent grenade attack at the residence of BJP Mandal President in Rajouri town killing his four year old nephew and injuring six others indicates that militants have raised their heads again in district Rajouri in Jammu. Perhaps, the reason of not providing any security to the BJP leader is due to this very fact that the district had been virtually free of presence of any suspected militants but the presence of some Over Ground Workers (OGWs) had not been ruled out . Had these OGWs too been put on intense surveillance radar by the Police, most probably things would have been different as it is proved that this layer of support to terror mongering and violence is of no mean import hence the need to treat such support base to perpetration of blood spilling violence as a grave threat to peace and tranquillity. It was only four days back that a couple, both BJP activists and Sarpanch and the Panch respectively were killed in cold blood in south Kashmir’s Anantnag district that now in Rajouri, they lobbed a hand grenade at the house of the BJKP leader in Rajouri. The grenade attack has to be seen in two contexts .One- that it was done just three days ahead of Independence Day celebrations coinciding also almost with the second anniversary of abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir and two- attempting to incite communal violence. Sagacious and peace loving people, however, have thwarted the evil designs of the killers and their mentors from across the border by maintaining complete peace, amity and tranquillity like always in the town and in the entire district. It is not the question of the savagery of the cowards to hurl a powerful grenade on the family members of the family taking evening meals, it is not only their frantic efforts to register their presence, it is not only negation of people’s total abhorring and rejecting any of their “causes’, it is not only their admission of being agent saboteurs of a hostile neighbour but an open threat to the right to liberty, freedom and adhering to political ideology of one’s liking. Political dissent and heterogeneity of political thought are the fragrant flowers of our democratic set up where caste, creed, religion or region have no consideration. That is why in Anantanag on August 9, Gulam Rasool Dar and his wife Jawahira Banoo were targeted and martyred for being political activists of a particular political party – the BJP and latest in Rajouri, Jasbir Singh’s house was and a four year bud’s life cut short. The mentors of the misled but indoctrinated enemies of humanity committing such heinous crimes know this strength of India and Indian democracy and, therefore, are knowing fully that their designs, how so long stretched, would never succeed in their mission. While those injured and undergoing treatment at hospital may get well soon, at the same time, since the security forces are on the hunt for the attackers, it is expected that they would be caught soon and subjected to the rigours of law. At the same time, equally no leniency should be shown to those OGWs who are believed to be providing logistic support and other help to militants in perpetrating acts of violence on innocent and unarmed people.