ReT teachers announce Secretariat Gherao on May 14

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, May 10: Hitting hard at the alleged irresponsible attitude and deceitful tactics of authorities viz-a-viz delinking of SSA salaries, the Jammu and Kashmir Rehbar-e- Taleem Teachers Forum (JKReTTF) has announced Secretariat Gherao on May 14.
This decision was taken by the Forum in a State body meeting, held here today under the chairmanship of Farooq Ahmad Tantray, who lashed out at the authorities for not honoring their agreement of negotiations with JK Rehbar-e-Taleem Teachers Forum – the representative body of more than sixty five thousand Rehbar e Taleem teachers of the State.
He explained that  JKReTTF had called off their May 7 Secretariat Gherao after hectic parleys with Commissioner Secretary Education and Director School Education Kashmir at the conference hall wherein they prepared a meeting note on final negotiations with Minister of Finance which were to be held in office chamber of FM at Civil Secretariat on May 8.  “On May 7 evening, I received a call from DSEK stating that due to prevailing tense situation FM wants the meeting on delinking be postponed for a day or two. DSEK stated that he would communicate within 36 hours, but after passing more than four days, we are yet to receive any communication from DSEK,” he added.
Tantray said that this speaks volumes about non-seriousness and the irresponsible attitude of authorities which are playing with the sentiments and emotions of sixty five thousand ReTs of the State.
The meet appealed all the Rehbar e Taleem teachers of the State to reach Srinagar for protest and raise their voice against the callous attitude of the Government towards ReT community.