ReTs apprise Education Minister of their demands, issues

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 27: A delegation of Jammu Kashmir Rehabar-e-Taleem Teachers Forum today called on Education Minister Altaf Bukhari at his official residence in Jammu and highlighted several issues and problems before him.
The JKReTTF State chairman Farooq Ahmed Tantary submitted a memorandum of demands and held a detailed discussion over the issues like, pending salaries, transfer of regularized ReT teachers, regularization of EV surplus ReTS, revoking of recent screening test for promotion and enhancing of honorarium upto 10,000, etc.
Tantry also took up of the issue of vacant DDO posts (ZEOs) which hampers the smooth functioning in many education zones of the State and demanded filing of the vacant posts.
Altaf Bukhari after listening to issues, said that his Ministry was committed to end all the woes of ReT teaching community while SSA salary issue has been given top priority and hopefully the salaries would be released in a couple of weeks.
He explained that the SSA issue is being discussed with MHRD and he was committed to streamline the same in future. Minister told the delegation that the department was working on a plan to provide relief to female teachers in the first instance and will try to rationalize the services of teachers to improve the working conditions for teachers.
The Education Minister sought some time to look into the issue of promotion and assured that dignity of teachers will not be compromised under any circumstance. He also assured to look into the other issue of teachers in making the State a knowledge hub in the country.
He said that the State Government was working on a comprehensive plan to find an amicable and lasting solution of all the issues being confronted by the ReT teaching community.
The delegation comprised of Jahangir Alam Khan, Mohammad Iqbal Bhat, Majid Marouphay, Assadullah Wani, Talib Hussian, Aftab Tantary, Hamid Nabaz, Rajesh Paul Singh, Bhadur Singh, Farooq Rounyal, Bashir Parryu, Farooq Ahmed Itoo, Ishaq Rashid, Bashir Ahmed, Khumriyal, Mohammad Yaqoob, Javid Chohan, MM Pathan, Javid Gul, Kerpal Sumria, Gh Hussian Bhat, Atab Malik, Sajad Ahmed and others.