Revenue Deptt in docks

After the Governor instructed the chiefs of the State Vigilance Commission, the State Vigilance Organization and the State Police and several top bureaucrats that pending cases of alleged corruption should be disposed of within the stipulated time, it appears that the SVC has started to move in that direction. Of all the departments, it is the Revenue Department, which has maximum complaints pending for a long time. The department has not taken the question of conducting inquiry into these allegations seriously. In some cases it has deliberately slept over the matter in a bid to show favour to some of the blue eyed boys. More often than not, the department has been making lame excuses for not initiating action against the officials who have been indicted. The result is that a very large number of complaints have piled up in the department. The Governor has already taken serious view of non-delivery on the part of aberrant departments or officers.
In consequence the Chairman of Vigilance Commission has done the right thing of asking the Revenue Commission to issue directions to all Deputy Commissioners for completion of all the pending enquires within next 45 days. Obviously, this galvanizes the entire Revenue Department machinery into action. In yet another bold step the CVC has also instructed the Revenue officials to see to it that the land allotted to people under Roshni scheme is vacated in case the allottees have failed to deposit the cost of land.
We have always said that it is accountability that will bring about drastic change in the quality of governance. If we want good governance, it will not come on a silver platter. The administration has to be tough and decisive.