Revenue Ministry prepares outline of package for PoK, West Pak refugees

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, Oct 25: In a sequel to the several rounds of discussion at the Union Ministry of Home Affairs, the State Revenue Ministry has prepared outline of a package for the Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir, West Pakistan and Chhamb refugees and wide-ranging consultations between the Coalition partners and stakeholders will begin after reopening of Darbar at Jammu next month. After consensus and formal approval of the State Cabinet, the package will be submitted to the Union Government for approval and funding.
Reliable sources told EXCELSIOR that in the backdrop of hectic exercise being carried out at the level of Union Ministry of Home Affairs during the past few months, the State Revenue Ministry got ascertained the genuine problems and demands of the PoK refugees, West Pakistan refugees and Chhamb Displaced Persons of 1965 and 1971 (camp and non-camp) by deputing a team of officers last month.
On the basis of comprehensive feed-back taken from representatives of these refugees and in the light of memorandum submitted to the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh in the year 2011, the State Revenue Ministry has prepared an outline of the package for PoK, West Pakistan and Chhamb refugees, sources said.
“Though the outline was briefly discussed in the recently held Coordination Committee meeting yet thorough discussion within the Congress party and between the Coalition partners-Congress and National Conference besides at other important foras would begin following reopening of Darbar at Jammu”, they said.
In response to a question, sources said, “the Revenue Ministry has made up mind to include all those demands of these refugees, which are permissible under the provisions of J&K Constitution”, adding “as one time settlement is the common demand of all these refugees, the Ministry has worked out a mechanism in this regard”.
Responding to another question, sources said, “in the outline of the package weight has been put behind one time settlement of PoK and West Pakistan refugees by giving them compensation for the properties left behind by them”, adding “in case of PoK refugees even the employment package for their children on the analogy of the Kashmiri Migrants has also been endorsed”.
While pointing towards the constitutional difficult in according residential status to the West Pakistan refugees, the draft has stated that till any solution is found to this problem package for employment in the Central Government jobs and benefits of all the developmental schemes may be extended to these refugees, sources said.
About the 1965 and 1971 refugees’ demands, sources said, “the outline suggests that tenancy rights of the Evacuee Property in the possession of these refugees may be given on the analogy of PoK Refugees”.
When contacted, Minister of State for Revenue, Relief and Rehabilitation, Aijaz Khan confirmed that outline of a package for PoK, West Pakistan and Chhamb refugees has been prepared for discussion at different foras and if the consensus is emerged the package would be submitted to the Government of India for funding with the approval of the State Cabinet.
It is pertinent to mention here that the then Minister for Revenue, Raman Bhalla had in the year 2011 submitted a detailed memorandum to the Prime Minister during his visit to the State seeking comprehensive settlement of PoK and West Pakistan Refugees.
Later, a high-powered delegation led by JKPCC chief Prof Saif-ud-Din Soz called on Prime Minister, Union Home Minister besides the UPA Chairperson and AICC president seeking settlement of refugees’ issues.
According to the official statistics, 32,0836 refugee families have settled in the State from PoK and West Pakistan since 1947. These families include 26219 of PoK and 5764 of West Pakistan.