Revenue Secretary visits migrant camps

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 29: Revenue Secretary, Vinod Koul accompanied by Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner, R K Pandita and other officers today visited the Jagti township and other migrant camps to look into the problems of the people there.
They interacted with various migrant delegations at Jagti township, Nagrota, Buta Nagar and Muthi camps and assured them that their problems will be settled.
The migrants in the camps apprised them of various problems and demanded immediate completion of the work on Jagti Hospital, construction of shopping complex, posting of teaching staff in camp schools and host of other issues.
The enhancement of cash relief and one time compensation for rehabilitation of over aged youth also figured in the meeting held at Buta Nagar camp.
Ashok Kumar a representative of Buta Nagar camp demanded advertisement of remaining posts under PM’s employment package so that the migrant youth hankering for jobs for years together can get rehabilitated.
Mr Koul informed the migrants that Government is fully aware of migrants problems and already various steps have been taken to redress them.