Revisiting alcohol policy

Drawing the attention of the Delhi Government to the rising incidents of crime near and around liquor vends in the city, the Court of Additional Sessions Judge, Delhi has solicited that the policy of giving licenses to more liquor vends should be revisited and it has to be ensured that occurrence of crime owing to drinking need to be controlled. It has been observed that crimes like chain snatching, robberies, bawls, molestations and eve teasing mostly take place owing to drinking and a state of inebriation. Agreed that blanket prohibition of consuming alcohol cannot be ordered because of vast number of citizens who are employed by the industry and the enormous revenues that the industry generates, but that does not mean the law, security and morality should be made a victim of this phenomenon. The government will have to reform the laws so as to control the crime emanating from consuming alcohol. At the same time the increasing number of liquor vends is also something that needs to be controlled. We can say that this is not true only of the capital city, even in towns and cities in the states, there is need to control the widespread habit of drinking, taking up brawls or committing crimes. It is the responsibility of law enforcing agencies to create conditions that will undo the evil.
It is amusing that while we have numerous NGOs who claim to be working for eradication of many social evils in society, there are hardly any of them that are reported to be engaged in controlling liquor addiction. We see that the government seriously took up the case of smoking and today this health risk has been controlled to a large extent. If there is a serious attempt on the part of the government backed up by support from NGOs it is possible to reduce the level of alcohol consumption among the people in the country.