Revitalise Bagh-e-Bhour Park

A captivating view of Bagh-e-Bhour Park.
A captivating view of Bagh-e-Bhour Park.

The Bagh-e-Bhour Park, once a shining example of recreational infrastructure in the Miran Sahib area of Jammu, now stands as a testament to neglect and bureaucratic inertia. The park was developed at a substantial cost of Rs 6.52 crore, sprawling over 220 kanals of land near the Jammu Airport. Initially, it attracted a significant number of tourists and locals, owing to its lush landscapes and vibrant musical fountain. However, the park’s current state of disrepair has rendered it a shadow of its former self, raising serious concerns about its management and future. The primary culprit is the expiration of the AMC with the company responsible for its upkeep. Once again, the Model Code of Conduct has been cited as the reason for the delay in renewing the contract. While adherence to the MCC is crucial during election periods, the MCC should not serve as an excuse to let public amenities fall into disrepair, especially those that significantly contribute to the community’s well-being.
The lapse in maintenance has led to the non-functionality of the musical fountain and the failure of four pumping motors, causing a steep decline in visitor numbers. Events hosted at the park, such as musical shows and school activities, played a crucial role in community engagement and provided a venue for cultural expression. The loss of these activities is a setback for local residents who rely on the park for leisure and socialisation. Moreover, despite the park’s deteriorating condition, visitors continue to be charged an entry fee. This practice is unfair and counterproductive, further discouraging visitors. The authorities must address this issue promptly by waiving the fees until the park is fully operational. The process of floating tenders and initiating repairs should commence immediately after the MCC is lifted, with clear timelines and accountability measures in place. The authorities must prioritise its restoration, ensuring that it once again becomes a vibrant hub for the people of Jammu. The citizens deserve nothing less than a fully functional and well-maintained park.