Revival of terrorism in Jammu

Col J P Singh
Terror hot spot currently is South of Pir Panjal and that is Jammu region. While the terrorism is subsiding in the Paradise, for the last year and a half it has turned Jammu into Hell. Starting with a Jihadi attack in Dhangri, the trend continues. In continuation of the ongoing Jihad, terrorists attacked a Shiv Khori devotees bus, all Hindus,near Taryath in Reasi district. No such incident had happened in this area before despite Shiv Kohri Shrine being frequented by local and outside pilgrims throughout the year. In this deadly attack, 10 pilgrims were killed by gun shots and 31injured.A heinous incident of this magnitude on Hindu pilgrims sent shock waves across the nation. Series of attacks followed in Doda and Kathua. Jammu suddenly woke upto a new reality that it is not safe despite previous DGP’s declaration that Jammu has been freed of militancy. This terror attack on Mata Vaishno cum Shiv Khori pilgrims just before the swearing in of the new Govt, underscores the heightened threat of terrorism, (Jihad so to say), against Hinduism.
Hakim Deen of village Bandrai of Sunderbani Tehsil has been arrested for helping terrorists to execute the heinous crime and escape. Hakim Deen is a Bakerwal, settled in Bandrai where there are about 20 odd such nomad settlements. In nineties this area was highly militancy infested. Bandrai is adjoining village to my maternal village Bharakh. Soon after the incident in the evening, I was informed about this tragedy by my cousin who happens to be a Nambardar. True picture is not yet out, but I am sanguine that investigation agencies will reach out to the roots of this malice and the reality will come out clearly which may not be palatable.
Since I know the geography of the place, I wish to share my understanding of the incident with public. The place where the gory incident has taken place is very close to ‘Salari-Baan (water well)’ which is about 3 kms from Bandrai as the crow flies. The road on which this incident happened is a busy road because of Shiv Kohri Shrine and two thriving towns Ransoo and Taryath connected to this road from different sides near this tragic site. Considering Bandrai as terrorists harbour, Salari Bann area was easily accessible on foot as well as by transport being an hour walking distance facilitating detailed planning and preparation. Initial information was that suspicious movement of a Bolero had been seen by the locals in that area before and same Bolero was seen rushing away on the road soon after the incident.
This attack could have been executed anytime before or after but its execution on 9th June has a message for Hindus in many ways. Pilgrims of Mata Vaishno returning from Shiv Kohri Shrine were the significant target for conveying the intended message nationwide. Bakerwals inhibiting areas around Shiv Khori today are at the cross roads of their celebrated patriotism. This was least expected in or around their dwellings. That is why there was complacency in the areas inhibited by Nomads. Under such condition anyone could take a pot shot at the bus driver. Since not yet known who the terrorists were, outrightly blaming Pakistan will be ‘missing the woods for the trees’.
Bharakh including Bandrai was a Jagir of Rai Bahdur Mohd Iqbal Jaral. After the Rajouri Hindus mass massacre during early 1948, scared of reprisal, he migrated to Pakistan enblock. Only one family of Ghulam Nabi Jaral stayed back. Now they are five households. Slowly and steadily Bakerwals started settling over Rai Bahadur’s land undeterred. Other Muslims also bought land in that area and today Muslims outnumber the Hindus. Many Sikh residents of that area have sold land and migrated to Jammu for better facilities. The process continues.Hence three terrorists roaming around in that area for 10 to 12 days and coming to Hakim Deen’s house thrice is not one of the ‘run of the mill’ case. All that went of unnoticed is amazing. Besides Police and policemen from villages, there are Nambardars, Chowkidars, Panches, Sarpanches, Govt employees such as teachers in each and every village who know everyone in the village and interact with them. They consider themselves privileged. Perpetrators having gone unnoticed exposes lackadaisical attitude of so called public servants. Hence a mirror should be held before them also.
Unprecedented enthusiasm and high voting percentages in the general election in J&K, gave us hope of an early UT election in a peaceful atmosphere and return of complete normalcy. Our hopes are shattered by the pastincidents. Election can only be held in peaceful conditions. If there is fear in the mind, people will not vote. Election if held under such fear will be a farce.
What appears on the face of it, Jihad has been unleashed. It was supposedly put on hold in anticipation of defeat of Modi led BJP Govt with the help of foreign mechanizations. Since that didn’t happen, Jihad has begun. Hence election in J&K, if held soon, may challenge the very existence of democracy. Prime minister’s directions to ‘deploy full spectrum of counter-terror capabilities in J&K’ is a necessity. Most significant today is the safety and security of life. With Hakim Deen’s involvement in terror, dangers increase. It impels me to think that the traditional brotherhood and mutual trust is no more prevalent in J&K.
History seems to be repeating. Having seen Kashmir Files showing Pundits being killed by their close friends and associates, students killing their teachers, servants killing their landlords, my gumption is that hand which holds the gun and the finger which presses the trigger are two sides of the same coin ie Jihad. Who killed whom during communal riots of partition? Who killed Pundits in the valley? Yasin Malik has accepted having killed 4 Air Force officials in public view. Hence this attacks on Hindu pilgrims with the help of local guides is no exception. West Bengal and Kerala type Jihadi unrest stares at Jammu. Such incidents should be viewed as a wakeup call. Politicians statements following such incidents blaming Pakistan misleads the nation and muffs the reaction of SFs. Hence time has come to call a spade a spade.
South of Pir Panjal is ideal for revival of terrorism. Unless the terrorists are Afghans, they will resemble the locals in looks. Such faces in the valley will get caught. Jammu region is easily gullible. This area has lush green forests, chain of mountains with natural caves camouflaged by thick foliage. Traditionally nomadic pastoral communities frequent these areas during seasonal migration. Their trails, Dhoks and chance/planned meetings facilitate undetected movement. Amarnath Yatra is about to begin. While tourists are considered benefactors in the valley, they are considered Infidels in other parts of J&K. This will effect tourism in Jammu where tourism infrastructure is being developed massively. Tourism is life line of Jammu. Already shrinking economy of Jammu is under greater disadvantage. Hence tourist spots and historic places need to sanitised. Routes to such places need to be kept under Drone surveillance. Air Borne NDRF teams should be positioned in Jammu. Yatri buses should have NDRF Control Room Contact numbers written inside the buses so that survivors can call and intimate location etc. Such teams should be air dropped at the incident site post-haste. These guarantees will reassure visitors to Jammu. Least a fifth largest economy of the world can do is to give such guarantees to Jammu.