Revolution in Knee replacement

Dr Ranjit Singh

With Zero Error Technique there is almost zero pain,zero bleeding and zero bed rest after surgery. Patient starts walking around  2 hours after knee replacement surgery and the very next day patient is made to even climb stairs. The time required for surgery is just 15 minutes and patient gets discharged just 3 days after surgery. The success rate of knee replacement with this technique is more than 99 percent and in 2 weeks time patient is able to achieve near normal life and is able to walk independently without any support and can even sit cross legged.
This technique uses a very small incision on the knee.  There is  minimal bone and muscle cutting due to which bleeding is very less during surgery and there is almost no bleeding after surgery. The need for blood transfusions is greatly reduced . Since there is no muscle cutting , so patient has very less pain and patient starts walking as soon as effect of anesthesia goes away which is usually around 2 hours.There are certain trigger points in the knee which cause lot of pain after total knee replacement surgery. Before stitching the knee, The doctor injects few drugs in those trigger points in the knee which also reduces bleeding and pain. The doctor  uses a different method of stitching the knee , he bends the knee fully while stitching the knee, so patient can immediately start knee bending exercises after surgery and knee bending of about 140 degrees is easily achieved  and  patient can sit cross legged comfortably ,whereas conventional surgeons stitch the knee keeping it straight, due to which patient starts knee bending after a week  and full knee bending is difficult to acheive and hence,patient cannot sit cross legged. So to sum up, knee replacement with Zero Error Technique is virtually painless , bloodless without much  complication and with a very fast recovery.
Deep Vein thrombosis is a fatal complication of Joint Replacement Surgery. In this blood clots in the legs of the patient and this clot can migrate to lungs leading to serious complication. This complication is more where patients after joint Replacement Surgery are not made to walk early and so circulation of blood becomes slow and blood clots. With Zero Error Technique this complication is almost zero as patient is mobilised just 2 hours after surgery.
This new technique is in great contrast to the old conventional technique . With Old  technique time required for knee replacement is 1-2 hours,and there are lot of problems associated with. There is a lot of pain after surgery with the traditional technique and patient is made to walk 2 to 3 days after surgery.
Bleeding during and after surgery is also a big problem with old technique. Patients require multiple blood transfusion and the prolonged bed rest makes the matter worse. Patient has to be in the hospital for 7 to 10 days and has to do bear the agony of painful physiotherapy for months together.
It takes 3 to 6 months for the patient to get back to normal life. Patient can’t even sit cross legged or climb stairs. Despite going through all this misery, major chunk of patient after undergoing knee replacement surgery with old technique still  complains of residual knee pain and the success rate of the old technique is also not great.
Zero Error Technique has solved all these problems of old technique with almost painless, bloodless surgery with a very fast recovery where the patient can sit cross legged comfortably and climb stairs with ease and return to normal life in around 3 weeks and with just 10 days of physiotherapy. Certainly no doubt Zero Error Technique is now the future of Knee Replacement
The patients with knee pain who require knee replacement but are scared of the surgery due to the associated problems with this surgery like pain, bleeding, prolonged bed rest and long recovery time, for them this new technique serves as a boon and can be future of this problem.
(The author is Senior Consultant Knee Replacement Surgeon, Fortis Escorts Hospital, Amritsar)