More rhetoric about PF

77th meeting of the Board of Trustees of J&K Employment Provident Fund Organization that met recently has exuded the usual rhetoric of issuing few pieces of advice to the concerned officers and nothing beyond that. Payment of provident fund to the retired Government employees has always been a procrastinated affair and more often than not, recipients have to go through so many hassles before they are able to get back their money after retirement. It is painful especially for those retired employees who need money for discharging some of urgent responsibilities. The meeting did not suggest any reformative measure that would ease this situation. The fact is that the clauses of the Provident Fund Act are not implemented in full and this is injustice to the affected persons. We would have expected some new initiatives from the Board that would indicate progress in making the rules people-friendly. The Minister for Labour and Employment has given instructions on several issues to the officers who were present in the meeting. This is a routine practice and there is nothing new in it. Provident Fund Department needs drastic reformation. It has got frozen with obsolete rules and practices for which a vision and an initiative are needed.