Right time to root- out Abdullahs’ Muftis’ dynastic rule: Vakil

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Dec 11: President Jammu and Kashmir Bachao Tehreek and former minister Abdul Gani Vakil today said that the time has come for the dynastic rule to pack up, as they have only exploited sentiments of people in the name of autonomy and self-rule to grab power for decades together.
In a statement issued here, Vakil said recently they have been exposed when they forged alliance to grab power without any common minimum program, which makes it clear that they can go to any extent for the lust of power.
“They again try to exploit people to safeguard Article 370, 35-A but they must understand that people know well that it is National Conference, PDP and Congress who are responsible for erosion of Article 370 during their tenure in power to appease Delhi against the interests of the State. They helped Delhi from time to time to make 42 amendments in Article 370, during their tenure and Congress has gone to that extent, even abolished the post of Prime Minister and Sadr-e- Riyasat,” Vakil said.
He added that they have so much lust for power that even Congress in Centre betrayed Sheikh Abdullah on every occasion even after bringing him back to the mainstream they didn’t hesitate in withdrawing his support.
“Similarly, Farooq Abdullah too, was ditched by making defection in his party and dethroned, but still Farooq Abdullah is singing the songs of Congress. Mehbooba Mufti has met the same fate in the hands BJP. So, the time has come that these demigods must go,” he said.
Vakil said, had Farooq Abdullah not rigged elections in 1987, the situation would not have been such worse in Valley and youth would have not gone to the extent of taking guns in their hands. Syed Slauddin is creation of National Conference, Vakil said.
Vakil demanded thorough probe into the assets of politicians and said if Governor does it, it would be his biggest contribution. He said that all the like minded political leaders must get united to uproot the dynasty of Abdullah’s and Mufti’.