Rinpochey lays foundation stone of Eco Model village

Excelsior Correspondent

Chhetsang Rinpochey alongwith CEC, LAHDC Leh, Rigzin Spalbar and others during laying of foundation stone of Eco Model village Takmachik in Leh.
Chhetsang Rinpochey alongwith CEC, LAHDC Leh, Rigzin Spalbar and others during laying of foundation stone of Eco Model village Takmachik in Leh.

LEH, Mar 18: Drigung Skyabgon, Chhetsang Rinpochey today laid the foundation stone of Eco Model Village Takmachik in presence of CEC, LAHDC Leh, Rigzin Spalbar and Executive Councilors Sonam Dorjey, Dr Sonam Wangchok and Lassu Shafi.
All the dignitaries later planted saplings of apricot, willow and poplar trees thus reenergizing the sustainable vision of LAHDC, Leh.
While speaking on the occasion, Chesang Rinpoche said that it is the reward of practicing organic farming since few years by this village and they are well deserved to get this project. Rinpochey stressed upon using organic products in the region warning that use of fertilizers and chemical pesticides are the root cause of cancer. He also spoke about the proposal to export the locally produced crop buck wheat (Drago) which is highly mineral rich product for income generation for the village in future.
Addressing the gathering, Rigzin Spalbar said that the main objective behind adopting Takmachik as Eco Model village by Hill Council, Leh is to manifest the essence of Vision Document 2025 through this village.
Alleging that due to constraint of funds the impact of Vision Document seems impractical when we take Leh district as a whole and therefore to give a visible impact of the vision document, Council has decided to inject more funds in the new financial year 2015-16 and develop this village sustainably in every aspect.
With the successful implementation of organic farming in collaboration with LEHO since last few years, Takmachik was idle to adopt as an ECO village, said CEC.
Appreciating Project Director LREDA, Jigmit Takpa, CEC mentioned that this project has comprehensive plans to boost land based economy, eco tourism, employment generation, packaging, marketing, capacity building, and promote this village in every possible angle.
Executive Councilor for Agriculture, Sonam Dorjay asked the villagers to set an example in the region by bringing exemplary transformation to Takmachik. Area Councilor Tsering Angchok also spoke on the occasion.
Councilors, LBA vice president Tsering Morup, LBA Youth vice president Konchok Stak, SDM Khaltsi, District officers, representative from nearby villages, scientist from DIHAR, monks of surrounding villages and prominent personalities were present on the occasion.