Rising number of road accidents

Rising number of road accidents particularly in hilly terrains of erstwhile Doda Distt has scared the common passengers. The latest accident which occurred near Bhalla in Doda Distt claiming about 9 precious lives is an eye opener for the Callous Administration, who has not been able to ensure the safety of the common passengers.
Out dated vehicles, overcrowding and rash driving has been observed as the main causes of the accidents. Limited number of man power with the Traffic Police and their traditional method of prosecuting the offenders have failed to give any solace to the common passenger.
The system of management, if given to local Police with vast powers of seizing/ immediate arrest of the offender together with imposition of non-bearable amount of fine will help in addressing the growing menace of over speeding and overloading.
Apart from this, the common masses/ commuters shall also have to be educated about their right of safety. This can be done by publishing the posters, advertisements through electronic and print media in a systematic manner. The Distt Police Head is required to be the overall officer in charge of the campaign. The toll free telephone numbers of the Distt S.P and other concerned Officer including the control room be published in news papers, pamphlets / posters, so that common man can be informed and asked to approach them in case they observe any driver committing any offense which may pose a threat to the safety of the common passengers.
Yours etc…
Vishal Singh Rathore
Sarol Bagh, Bhaderwah